
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Review: The House of Hades by Rick Riordan

I started reading about Percy Jackson in the beginning on this month. And now I am finished. These books have killed me a little. They were all so damn good. Beyond amazing. And I'm so pleased that I read them. But holy. How will I survive until October for the final book? Waiting for it will be torture.

I think The House of Hades was my favorite of the nine books. Though I also think it was the most heartbreaking. But I'm not sure, because after just finishing it all I can think about is Nico. Hmm. Which is a bit weird, as I'm starting to love him like I love Percy. He just got so much more for me in this book. Sigh.

There is just so much to love in this book. Too much. There is more of Percy and Annabeth. Though, you know, they are now alone in Tartarus. Which I got to read very much about. Which I loved. But holy. It is a lot of creepy. A lot of monsters. And evil things. But there are also a lot of great parts down there. Which I really loved. Sigh. I also enjoyed reading about Bob :)

This book is told from many different point of views. Percy. Annabeth. Hazel. Frank. Leo. Jason. Piper. The seven demigods on the quest. Huh. That is pretty awesome, hih. I loved getting to read from all of them a little, as I adore them all so much. Sigh. Just.. I wish there was a Nico point of view. Hopefully in the last book. Anyway. I still love Hazel. Liked her more in this book. She's still pretty amazing and I loved how her powers got better, or worse. I'm starting to like Jason. And I still really adore Piper.

And Frank. Frank is still pretty much the best, I think. I love reading about him. I loved how he changed in this book, though I also felt that to me, he did not need to change. But I did love it. I just really loved reading about him. Still shipping him and Hazel. <3 Anyway. And Leo. Hmm. I just. I do adore him. I do. But he says some things that I do not approve of. Sigh. But then he got sent to this island for a while. And I liked that part. A lot. And I'm very curious about what will happen next in The Blood of Olympus.

Nico. My love. I adore him so much. Before I started reading these books, I peeked at the ending for this one. And I worried. And then I started reading all the books. And I got to love Nico. He isn't a big part in these books. But he is still the most awesome one. I love reading about his powers. I just love reading about all of him. And there is something about him that we get to know in this book. I didn't suspect it until I started reading this. So it surprised me. And I loved it to pieces. Gah. Nico is amazing.

Then there is Percy and Annabeth. My babies. They are amazing. And oh, how I love reading about them. They have gotten so much bigger since the first book. They have endured so much pain. And I just want them to get their happy ending. Pretty please. But oh, how I love reading about them together. They are adorable and I love the small romance scenes. They just fit together perfectly. Sigh. Yeah, I need more of the romance in the next one, hih. I can't get enough of Percy and Annabeth together.

I.. might have talked a little bit too much about this book. But I can't help it. The House of Hades was an amazing book. I loved it to pieces. There is so much happening. A lot of evil things. Heartbreaking things. But also so much beautiful. I loved reading all of it. And now I am dying for The Blood of Olympus. I need to know how it will all end. I need to know what happens to all the characters that I love. I'm just so excited for it and I know that the wait will be torture. Hoping the time will pass fast.

Ohh. And also. I cannot just not mention this part. I have this huge obsession with How To Train Your Dragon, and ever since I started reading these books I have been seeing Percy and Annabeth as Hiccup and Astrid. You know, the new older versions of them. <3 And I love that. I love that I picture them like that. Because I love both so much. Sigh. Anyway. I just needed to share that, hih. As I don't usually picture anyone when I read books. But I felt like these characters fit. Which makes me excited.

I can't do a good enough job describing how much I loved these books. I just can't. But know that I did love them. I loved them like crazy. I loved reading about all the adventures the demigods had. I loved learning about the different gods. I loved reading about Percy Jackson. And all of his amazing friends. I just loved everything in these books. Well, except for the fact that they must end. I don't want that. But anyway. I would recommend these books for everyone. I will be judging you if you do not read them :D


  1. I love Rick Riodrian's Percy Jackson series, but for some reason I'm not clicking with his Heroes of Olympus series quite as much. I still really enjoy it though, so I guess I'm going to just have to see what I think of House of Hades! It definitely sounds like an intense read...especially after that Mark of Athena cliffhanger!

    And I didn't think of that comparison before, but I completely agree with your analogy of Percy and Annabeth being a slightly older version of Hiccup and Astrid! :D

    Thanks for sharing, and, as always, brilliant review! :D

    1. Aw, hih, thank you. <33 I think you will LOVE The House of Hades :D I loved it so much. Hope you will read it soonish :)

  2. You've really immersed yourself in this series, haven't you? I'm glad you loved ALL of them. :)

    1. Hih, I have. And I love them all so so much. Sigh. Thank you; I'm happy about that too :D

  3. I've only read the Percy Jackson movies, and I normally find it really hard to go back to a books once I've seen the movies, but you've certainly convinced me to give it a try! So glad you've been enjoying this series Carina!

  4. Its been so much fun experiencing percy through your reviews

  5. WOW, so much House of Hades love! I love the first Rick Riordan series with Percy Jackson, but I couldn't really get into this series :\ My sister loves it though. Great review, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. Oh my goodness! Hiccup and Astrid!! SO cute! The bf and me were on a Defenders of Berk binge watching on this latest trip!

    And thank you so much for a review that makes me want to catch up with the books but that is totally spoiler free! Thanks a lot, sweetie!

  7. I need to read this book! I'm a HUGE fan of this series but for some reason, I haven' picked this up yet. Clearly that needs to change. More Nico! And I've loved seeing Percy and Annabeth grow up together. I can't believe there's only one more book left until the end. I can't wait! But I also hope these characters get a little peace when it's over. Love your enthusiasm for this book.

    1. Ack! You must read it. You must you must. It's beautiful. Yesss. Nico. My new love, lol. <3 Aw. Yess. Me too :)


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