
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Review: The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa

I've been waiting a few years for this book. And now I finally got to read it. And I have to say that I was not disappointed. The Forever Song was just what I wished for and an amazing ending to this awesome trilogy. I'm so very happy that I read it. <3

I think the writing in this book is pretty amazing. Sigh. Julie is an awesome author. And an even more amazing person. I adore her. Anyway. I didn't re-read the first two books before starting this one. But that is because I remembered it all. Mostly. And I will be re-reading the entire trilogy in some months. Excited.

I'm not sure what I can say about this book. I want to talk about all the spoilers. But I will not. I will, however, say that this book made me happy. And I think most people will be pleased with it as well. Okay, sure, it is beyond heartbreaking most of the time. But it is also so amazing. The story is very good. The characters are awesome. And the writing is pretty amazing as well. I think you will all love The Forever Song. Like I did.

This book continues with Allison's journey to find and stop Sarren before he can reach Eden. Before he can destroy everything. Again. She's travelling with Jackal and Kanin. And ohh. I still pretty much like those to. Kanin is pretty amazing. Though he does not speak all that often, lol. But I do love what he says when he does speak. He do some awesome things in this book. Made me like him more. And Jackal. Still an asshole. Yet I grew fond of him. He also do a pretty good job of protecting them all.

And Allison. Oh, I still adore her so much. She's an amazing character. And I loved reading from her point of view. I won't spoil much. Or anything. But oh. She is heartbroken in this book. Because something awful happened at the end of The Eternity Cure. The most awful thing. Allie listened to Zeke get tortured and die. It was so damn awful to hear. I had my hopes, though, and I won't say if that worked out or not. But oh. It was so much pain in this book. So much heartbreak. And lots of bloody tears.

Allie changes a lot in this book. She gets distant. She grows cold. Which was pretty awful to witness, but I did not blame her. But she gets better. Sort of. Won't say more than that. Just, sigh. This book was so good. And there is just so much happening. There are so many deaths. So many awful Rabids. And we see a new version of the virus. Which was pretty awful, to be honest. But so interesting. Gah. How I adored this book. I'm so glad that it ended up being amazing, like I hoped and wished that it would be.

I won't say more about this book. And I hope I haven't spoiled anything. Just, oh. The Forever Song was a glorious book. I loved it a lot. And I'm just so happy with it. There is so much happening. There is a lot of action scenes in this book. A lot of killing. A lot of talking as well, hih. There is just a bit of everything in this book. Which I loved. Anyway. I think that is all I can say. Now I'm just going to wait for April 15th, and my pre-ordered hardcovers to arrive. <3 They will be so pretty. Can't wait to own it.

I think you should all read The Forever Song. It is a thrilling book. It is a perfect ending to an already perfect series. Though you will be left wanting more. And I would not mind more books from this series. <3 There does not have to be, though. But I want it. I want it so much. I want more of Allison :) Huge thank you to Julie for the chance to read The Forever Song early via Netgalley. <3 And huge thanks to the publisher as well :) You are all amazing. And I'm so glad that I read this trilogy. It's awesome. <3


  1. Ohhhh lucky! I am jealous! I cannot *wait* to read The Forever Song! I didn't see it on NetGalley and I have been obsessive checking. :p Oh well. I'm glad to hear that it's so good. I look forward to the heartbreak!

  2. Heading over to Goodreads to add this to my TBR right now!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  3. Glad you enjoyed it, Carina. I haven't read this series yet, sadly. :(

  4. Aww, I'm so glad you liked the ending! I have yet to read the second book, though the thing with Zeke did get spoiled for me a while ago. :( I wasn't feeling quite up to reading it because of that, but since you liked the ending of the series, I think I'll have to get to it soon! I know you like happy endings, so if you like it I should be happy as well. :) Great review Carina!!

  5. I have not read this series yet! I had the first book, but I gave it away. I'm not entirely interested in the series, but I know how talented Kagawa is, and how popular her books are, and how much YOU love this series. I'm glad that this book lived up to your expectations, and then some! Fantastic review, Carina :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Lucky reading this early! Your very positive review is definitely exciting. I'm glad it was everything you hoped. Though I'm not even sure I'm going to be able to pick this up, because book 2 nearly killed me! I like HEAS and Kagawa doesn't grant them readily or at all. I'm just not sure if I can make it without some form of that (or Z!) and it's seeming extremely unlikely. But I'm also deeply invested in this series and Kagawa likes to surprise us. In any case, great review!

  8. I have not read this series- but this cover is beautiful and drew me in right away (I love purple). :) So glad this book lived up to your expectations. Especially since you were waiting so long to read it! Yeah! Thanks for sharing.

  9. I can't wait to read the ending of this series, I really liked the other two books and I'm excited to see Allie again :D

  10. I still need to start this series! Love Julie Kagawa so much so I'm sure I will love this. I'm glad you adored this and you love the main character :D
    Great review, Carina <3

  11. I read the first two books last month during my vacation time and I loved them and gaaaaah, that cliffhanger!!! Cruel cruel eding! But I cannot wait to read this one! I'm crossing my fingers to get approved for it on NetGalley!
    Great review, Carina!


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