
Saturday, March 1, 2014

In My Mailbox #122

This have not been a week for reading. Sigh. I just haven't been feeling well at all this week so I haven't been able to read anything. Though I tried reading The Taking, which I ended up as a DNF. Sniffs. I've been trying to find something else to read, but I can't seem to manage. Will try some more. But I have been re-watching a few movies, hih. And I have loved doing that. <3 Haven't posted all that much this week, but I did another Cress Tuesday. <3 And I posted the winner of my international giveaway. Though she still haven't emailed me back, and it's less than 24 hours left. Hmm. Hopefully she will make it before the 48 hour limit :) Anyway. I got some awesome things :D What did you get this week? <3

The best package. I got this from Macmillan because I was a part of the Lunar Chronicles Street Team. <3 And omg. I AM SO HAPPY. This was the best :D Thank you thank you thank you. <3 The three books are signed as well. Sigh. I blogged about it on Tumblr here. And shared my collection here :)

Grim. I just had to get this one, as I love a lot of the authors. Not sure when I will read, but someday :)
The Eternity Cure. Gorgeous paperback. I'm very much in love with it. And this book is just so good.
Shattered. Hah. I peeked. I own all 3, but don't think I will read them :( Evil ending. Not for me. Sniffs.
Holiday Card. A pretty awesome holiday card that I got from Elizabeth Fama. <3 Thank you so much :)
Unforgotten. I adore this hardcover so much. It is gorgeous! And I pretty much loved the book as well.
Unremembered. Finally got this paperback, hih :) It is gorgeous. And so soft. Sigh. I love it a lot.
Donkey Kong. Have yet to try playing it, but soon :D I hope I will love it. *Fingers crossed* <3
Grisha. A few more gorgeous Shadow and Bone inspired jewelry <3 Will soon share collection :D
Despicable Me 2. Been a while since I saw it, but I did enjoy it. Kind of. Needed to own it, still :)
Tangled. This was finally on sale, so I got to buy the 3D version :D Now I own them all, hih. Mostly.
The Princess Bride. So many people on twitter loves this movie. Had to buy it. Watching soonish :D

Divergent. This is a pretty gorgeous magazine. I'm excited for the movie. And ohh. Pretty posters! <3
Veronica Mars. I was so excited for this. Then it arrived very much damaged :( I am not happy. Sniffs.
Divergent Thinking. Hih, I have to own all the books. Sigh.. but I do think this looks interesting :)
Tsarina. This cover is pretty gorgeous. And I think the book sounds interesting. Reading soonish ;p
Faking Normal. This hardcover is so so pretty. <3 Love it! And I pretty much loved the book as well.
The Shadow Throne. I read book one ages ago, but liked it, so hoping to read the last two soon :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Loving all the Lunar Chronicles goodies! I really, really want to read Shattered but I have forgotten what happened in the previous book so I think I may have to re-read it.Only problem is that I don't have time at the mo, because of all the Uni assignments I have to hand in this month. ;(

  2. I'm so jealous of those gifts. Good for you. Hope you get better soon and fall back into reading :)

  3. What a great haul! Love your Lunar Chronicles goodies!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  4. Part of the Lunar team, that's cool! You got some nice things :D DONKEY KONG! I loved playing that game on my old Nintendo. I'm reading Tsarina now and I like it so far. Happy reading!

  5. Nice haul. That was nice of MacMillian to send you those books. I got to see her this week at Books of Wonder and she signed all three of my books. Awesome haul of books.

    Books of Love

  6. Oooh, that Marissa Meyer package is so cool!

    The Princess Bride is a fabulous movie too - very amusing, silly, and romantic.

    Hope you enjoy everything!

  7. What a great books did you get this week.
    And thank you soo much for winning your giveaway. I just send you an email. :D


  8. Very lovely collection. I hope you enjoy them :) .

  9. I'm loving the Cress swag! And that cover of Unremembered is quite intriguing :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. Wow Carina! Awesome haul! :) :) And I really hope you just didn't spoil me the ending of Shattered!!!! I freaking love this serie! And I cannot wait to read the last book!


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