
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Title Reveal: Stormdancer #3 by Jay Kristoff

Finally! The title for the third and final book in the Lotus War series by Jay Kristoff. And I love it! Sigh. SO excited to read this book. Stormdancer and Kinslayer just about killed me. And that ending for Kinslayer.. unfair! I need to know what happens next :) October cannot get here fast enough. So excited to read more about Kin and Yukiko. <3 Anyway. Now I'm just dying to watch the cover :D Hopefully soon. Have you read Stormdancer yet? If not, get going. It's amazing. What do you think of the title? I just adore it. I'm so excited about this book. And I adore Jay so much; can't wait to read more from him :)



  1. ENDSINGER!! Love love love the title! Damn, I really need to get reading Kinslayer soon, but since I heard of the cliffhanger at the end of it... I think I'm gonna wait till Endsinger is closer to release!

  2. Ahhhh. I really need to read this series. I'm a little intimidated by it, though. Anyway, thanks for sharing, hun!

  3. This series has been on my list for ages. I am happy to hear that the next book will be out in October. That gives me lots of time to catch up, but I know it is hard for you to wait that long. ;)


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