
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Review: The Shadow Society by Marie Rutkoski

I should have read this book sooner. Or not, as I probably wouldn't have loved it as much as I did now. And love it I did. The Shadow Society was such an amazing book. Beautifully written. Amazing story and characters. Heartbreaking, yet beautiful. The only thing this book lack is a sequel. <3

A few weeks back I read the upcoming The Winner's Curse by this same author, and I loved that book to pieces. And I knew that I needed to read more by Marie. And I'm so glad that I ordered this book. Because the writing is so so good and the story is perfect. I cannot wait to read even more from Marie :)

Despite the heartbreak this book gave me, it was worth it. Because I adored it so much. I found it to be exciting, fun, sweet and so evil. I really enjoyed it. And I just wish there was a sequel. <3 Hopefully one day. Because while that ending is awesome, it is also evil. And a lot of things are unfinished. And I need to know what happens next. Oh, and I kind of need to read even more of Conn and Darcy. A lot more. Pretty please.

I'm not sure how to talk about this book. There is so much plot. And it's so exciting to read about. But I'm not sure I can describe it right, so I'm not really going to try to. You just need to know that I adored the plot in this book. It's different and it's so exciting to read about and it's just basically amazing. I loved reading everything in this book. I really liked reading about the Shades. And about the different Chicago. And I loved how it all happened. Even those really awful things. It was just so very perfect.

I really loved the characters in this book. It's told from the point of view of sixteen year old Darcy Jones, who is a foster child. That broke my heart. Reading about all the different homes she had been in, and then gotten kicked out of. Sobs. But done so amazing. Sigh. I loved her. And I loved the home she was living in now. Marsha was very kind, I think, and I liked her a lot. I even liked the school Darcy went to. That was awesome to read about. And her friends as well. A bit too much, but they were adorable.

Then there is Conn, whom we get to see a lot of in this book. Yet not enough. I would have liked much more about him at the end before the book ended.. but even so. We did get enough of him. Probably. And he's so complicated. Kind. Loving. Sweet. Evil. Mean. Betrayer. Darcy isn't sure how to feel about him. But I was sure from the very beginning, hih. I adored Conn from the very first time he appeared. I loved him in the book at all times. My heart broke so much for him; learning his past. And present.

There is a pretty amazing romance in this book. I loved it so much. But oh, it is full of pain and hurt and kind of just the way I like it. Though I do wish that hint of a triangle hadn't been there. I did not like Orion. But then, Darcy didn't really like him either. So that was good. It did not feel like a love triangle, because it wasn't. And thank god for that, lol. I'm very happy that the love was between Darcy and Conn. <3 Because it was the sweetest. And done so well. And they both just made my heart swoon like crazy.

I'm not sure what else to say. I loved this book to pieces. The Shadow Society was so amazing. But oh, how I wish for a sequel. I need more. So much more. Yet I was satisfied. Mostly. I really do want more, though. <3 But anyway. I really loved this book. I loved the writing so much. And the story was just incredible. Sigh. I'm so happy that I read this. And I know that I will re-read it again soon. <3


  1. I guess I need to add this one to the TBR list for after reading The Winner's Curse!
    Great review, Carina!

  2. I need to make this book a priority read every review I've ever come across for this one has been pretty awesome. Also I'm very curious now ...heartbreaking yet beautiful....yea you got my attention :)

  3. I am so happy you loved this one too! I thought you would. Marie's writing is perfect to me. I loved this book and felt that I could use a LOT more set in this world. So sad it's a stand-alone just because I always want more :-)

  4. The characters in this book were fantastic!! I'm so glad to see that you loved TSS too :)

    Great review!

  5. I am so glad to hear that you loved this book so much. I haven't read anything by this author yet, but she sounds amazing. :)

  6. I've been thinking I might need to read this in the unending wait for The Winner's Curse, and I think you've swayed me! :) I'm so excited to hear that you loved the book--especially the romance. :) Great review, Carina!

  7. Gah! This is one of those books that I SO wanted to read and just let slip by me last year. Along with yours, I've read so many great reviews for it. You make it sound amazing---I will definitely have to make time for it soon.


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