
Monday, January 6, 2014

Review: Tinder by Sally Gardner

Sometimes you read a book that you thought you would love and end up not liking it at all. This was one of those times. I bought this book because I thought the cover was simply gorgeous. And it is. I started reading it, thinking it would be a good written fairytale re-telling sort of book. But to me it wasn't. To me Tinder was an awful book. I did not enjoy it at all. Which has made me beyond sad. Sigh.

Because I really wanted to love Tinder, as it has such a gorgeous cover. But I could not. I knew right away that I did not like the writing at all, and I never grew to like it. But my only issue wasn't just the writing. I didn't enjoy the story. I did not like the main character. I found so many of the things that happened to be stupid. Sigh. I'm sorry.

But this book was a one star for me. I wish it wasn't so, but it was, and I need to be honest about my feelings for this book. I won't write such a long review, as I'm not sure what to say about this book. It wasn't all that long, but still too long as I just waited for it all to end. And when the ending happened I was a tiny bit angry, because that ending made everything pointless. At least in my eyes. Sigh. I just did not enjoy this book at all.

To be honest I'm not sure what to say about this book. Like I said, I did not like the writing. It was just all wrong. And I didn't even like the illustrations. Sniffs. I like the cover and the art of the wolves, but I hated everything else. I'm sorry for saying so, but it is the truth. The drawings sort of matched the scenes, but every person and thing looked weird. I didn't enjoy looking at them. Which made reading this book even sadder. I so wish I could have enjoyed it. But I just didn't and that's that. Oh, well :)

Another thing I did not like in this book was the insta-love. It was pretty awful. Worse than anything I have read. I suppose it could have been romantic or whatever, if the writing and story line had been better. But as it was, it wasn't. So I did not enjoy the weird romance. I didn't enjoy the magic parts either, as I didn't truly believe in them. There was just nothing I really liked in this book. And I'm not going to say more of it either. This was not a book for me. But others might enjoy reading it. Probably.


  1. Never heard of this book. Love the cover :) Sometime the cover are so beautiful, but the story is not. I hate it when that happen!

  2. Awh, bummer! It's hard when you don't grow to love the writing-style nor the characters.

  3. :( Sorry that you didn't like this one! The cover is great and it looks promising. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this one.


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