
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Review: Let the Storm Break by Shannon Messenger

I read book one back in March. And ever since then I have been dying to know what happens next in this pretty amazing series. But then I got an eARC of Let the Storm Break all the way back in September, and I couldn't bring myself to start it. I don't know why. I think it was because I was scared of not liking it.

But then yesterday I got the need to read it. And I'm so glad I did. I enjoyed it from the very beginning, which was very good. Which doesn't happen often, either. While the writing isn't perfect for me, I very much enjoy it. I think that Shannon's writing is pretty amazing and I love reading her books :)

I'm not sure, but I think I enjoyed this sequel more than book one. But it also worried me a whole lot more. And it did some funny things to my heart. Not so funny things as well. I still love that the book is told from Vane and Audra's point of views. Because I really enjoy reading from both of them and I feel that we needed to see things from both. Plus, they are awesome.

I'm not sure how to write this review, though. I kind of want to talk about all the spoilery things. Like what happens at the end of the book. Such an evil ending! But oh. I will not. Because I need you all to read this book for yourself. But be aware that this review will contain spoilers for Let the Sky Fall, if you haven't read it yet. Which you totally should have by now. Because it's a pretty amazing book. And the covers for these books are gorgeous. Truly gorgeous. I cannot wait to own this. And to see book three :)

Let the Storm Break starts where the first book ended. With Audra having left Vane for a while to travel and think. It's been twenty-something-days and Vane is wondering when she will come back. If she will come back. And that is a part that kind of broke my heart a little. That he's having doubts, because she left him. Made me sad. But I also kind of really loved reading about it, hih. It's a bit heartbreaking to read about him searching the winds for signs of her coming back. But I loved reading his thoughts.

We get to meet more characters in this book. Which I pretty much loved. Vane has a new trainer called Gus. And oh, I kind of really loved Gus. He was pretty amazing to read about and he was funny and sweet as well. And loyal to Vane. I think he was a good friend. We also get to know Os, whom I did not like at all. Evil dude. Well, I think he's evil. Then there is Solana. Who could have become a love triangle, but did not. But she's sweet and hot and that bothered me a little bit, hih. Maybe like her.

There is also more about the evil villain in this book. We get to meet him a little bit. And oh, I did not like him. And that was a huge plus, because I'm pretty sure he will only ever be evil. He better be. He did some pretty awful things. Like what happened with Feng. That was heartbreaking. Did not approve. But it was also fascinating to learn more about what could be done about the winds. So I loved reading about all of it. All of the evil things as well, because I loved learning. But they were so evil. Sigh.

Oh, I don't know what to say about this book. There were a lot of things I loved in it. A few small things I found annoying, but not enough to let it bother me at all. There were some swoony moments. I still very much like the romance. And wishes for more. And there are a few funny scenes as well. I loved reading about Vane and Audra. They are both so adorable and different to read about. I'm kind of starting to dislike Vane's mother a tiny bit. Just a little. But I'm hoping she will come around soon.

There is just so much happening in this book. So much evil and heartbreaking things. But also so many interesting things that I loved reading about. I loved learning more about the four winds. I loved reading about them talking to the winds. It was interesting and I adored it. I wish to know even more, though. Then there is that ending. I'm not sure how to feel. It was pretty brutal, what happened. I don't think it can be reversed. Heartbreak. But it was also beyond amazing. I loved reading about it so much.

Anyway. I thought that Let the Storm Break was an amazing sequel. It was fun and sweet and heartbreaking. I was the perfect continuation of Vane and Audra's story. Though it ended too soon. So now I'm dying for book three. Cannot wait to see what happens next. <3 Rating this book a five star, though it might have been four point five a few times. But overall I really enjoyed it. Huge thank you to the publisher, Simon Pulse, for the chance to read this awesome book early via Edelweiss. <3


  1. I just skimmed your review because I'll be reading this within the next month. I had some issues with the first book (hard time connecting to the characters) but I am very optimistic that I'll enjoy this one more because I hope for more character development. I really think I should reread the first book because I think I might enjoy it more the second time around. When I think back to it I can just remember the good stuff and not the bad so maybe I was too picky. So happy you loved this one Carina!

  2. Aw, yay! I'm so glad you loved this! :) I haven't started this series yet, though I'm planning on doing so eventually, but I love to read good reviews! I think it's kind of the best feeling ever when even the little bothersome things don't hinder you from giving a book 5 stars, just because you love it so much. Great review, Carina! :)

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  3. So glad you really liked this. I have an e-ARC of this I need to read too.

  4. I need to read my copy now!! Great review.

    YA Sisterhood

  5. YAY! I loved Let The Sky Fall and I was a bit worried that this one would have some second book syndrome, but so glad to hear that it didn't! Thank you so very much for the reassurance!

    I cannot wait till my preorder downloads into my Kindle! I was fearing it'd have an evil cliffhanger ending, and now I know it does!


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