
Friday, January 24, 2014

International Giveaway: ARC + Swag!

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I did a giveaway so I wanted to do one know. I own a lot of swag, so one of the two prizes will be a swag pack. I also got one ARC of Faking Normal from HarperCollins International. <3 But then I also won a signed ARC from the author :D So I will be giving away the un-read, un-signed copy to you guys. There will be one winner who wins the book and the swag. Giveaway will be via Rafflecopter and you will have lots of chances for entries :) Though you must be following me for the first entries. <3 I read Faking Normal a little while ago, and I really enjoyed it.
My four star review can be read here. Anyway. I hope you'll all wish to enter this giveaway; because I think it's an amazing prize :D Good luck :) And thank you all for following me. <3 You are the best.

Brand new never-been-read ARC of Faking Normal.
A bunch of swag. Some signed. Some not. All gorgeous.

International. Must follow via GFC. Must reply within 48 hours.
Must want to win. As in, planning on reading the book. <3

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ooooh, what a fantastic giveaway, Carina!! That's a lot of awesome swag!
    Thanks a lot for sharing your extra ARC this way!

  2. Great giveaway, I hope I'll get a chance to read this book! :)
    Thanks, Carina! :)

  3. awesome giveaway! :) I am so excited for this book to finally come out so that I can read the wonderfulness I have heard about it!

  4. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!!

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! Seriously, that swag looks amazing... I'm drooling already. :P

  6. Thanks for the giveaway Carina! :D
    I've heard great things about Faking Normal. ;D

  7. The book sounds really interesting. Thank you for the giveaway. <3

  8. Thank you so much for the giveaway. I really want to read this book.

  9. Thank you so much for the giveaway. :)

  10. wonderful giveaway this would be a great start for my reading hobby

  11. I've heard amazing things about Faking Normal. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Thanks for the giveaway this book sounds really interesting.

  13. Thank you for the giveaway! Im lovin' those swags! Hoping to win! =)

  14. Thanks for the giveaway! I've been trying to get my hands on this book for a while now ;)

  15. In my country we don't really have all the swag stuff and I'm really excited about this giveaway. :D

  16. Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I've been waiting so long to read this book! :)

  17. What an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful swag stuff and book.

  18. This is awesome, I'm really curious for this book! :D

  19. So excited to read this one, heard great things about it. Thanks for a chance to win it! :)


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