
Saturday, January 11, 2014

In My Mailbox #115

Remember how last week I only got one book? Yeah, that did not happen this week :D I got so so much and I'm beyond happy about all of it. <3 Still missing a few packages, but very happy with the things that did arrive. I'm not sure how to feel about this week in general, though. On Wednesday I woke up sick with a cold, and it is still killing me. It's keeping me away from sleep, as I keep waking up very often in the night. But I'm hoping it's all starting to pass soon. Anyway. I read a few books; No One Else Can Have You & Tinder. Both books were one stars for me. Not a great start to this year reading wise. Oh, well. I'm currently reading The Impossible Knife of Memory, and while I'm not totally loving it, I'm not hating it either. I have also re-watched How To Train Your Dragon this week. <3 And it is still one of the best movies. Also re-watched the TV show and today I'm starting season 2. Very excited. So for the most part I have had a good week. Well, my kitten is in heat again for the second time and she's crying a bit. But last time it only lasted two days, so fingers crossed it's the same now :) What did you get this week?

The Curiosities. I do adore these authors, so I figured I should finally buy this book :D Very pretty.
Asunder. US paperback. <3 I just have to own every edition.. sigh. Hoping to finally read it soon :)
Unravel Me. Yeah, never reading this book. I think. But still need to own everything (A) US paperback.
Sever. Never going to forgive the author. A bit of drama there. But, US paperback. Had to own. Sigh.
Promise Bound. I have yet to start this trilogy (A) But now I own all three books, so I can start them :D
Pawn. The UK paperback. <3 Very pretty. I really need to read this book soon. Hopefully very soon.
The Offering. Oh, this book is just gorgeous. I WILL read it soon. I'm so excited to finally read it. <3
The Essence. Gorgeous US paperback. <3 Needed two copies, hih. And I do love this series a lot.

Frozen. A few more gorgeous Frozen books. <3 Sigh. I adore this movie and books so so much.
The Impossible Knife of Memory. Currently reading. Hoping to finish soon; it's pretty good. Mostly.
Hysteria. I just had to get this US paperback. <3 Enjoyed the book months ago. Pretty cover :)
The Sin-Eaters Confession. I adore this author so had to get this book. <3 Not sure when I'll read it.

A few things on sale. Had to buy these pencils and such as they were on sale and I might need them :)
Wolf Children. Gorgeous UK edition. <3 Getting US too. And oh, this movie was pretty amazing :D
Disney Infinity. Hih, this was on sale too, so I just had to get him. <3 Pretty cute. Playing soon, I hope.
EOS. I adore EOS for lips, so I just had to buy these. <3 On sale too, hih. Very much in love with them.
Cup. I bought this on sale too, just because it was pretty much adorable. So I just had to have it. Hih.

Asan Advent Calendar. This December I entered about 80+ Advent Calendars each day. I only won twice. But they were amazing prizes. I won a Radio on the 12th, which I have shared a picture of earlier. And then this week I got this amazing prize, which was the prize of the 24th :D So I won the best prize. <3 Lots of awesome things from a Norwegian brand, I think. Probably. Anyway. Very happy that I won :)

Since I'm auto-approved for HarperCollins on Edelweiss I just had to click download on these two amazing books. <3 DYING to read Rebel, as I loved Reboot so much. I think I need to re-read it before I start this one, though. So excited. And The Vanishing Season sounds amazing as well.
So excited to read them both :)

Kitty love. <3 Link to my Instagram, where I have uploaded more pictures :)

I took some pictures outside today :) More pictures can be seen here. <3

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Fantastic book haul!! I also gave No One Else Can Have You 1 star so you're not alone :( My sister loved The Impossible Knife of Memory though! and aww poor kitty… and wow it is COLD huh? last week was the coldest week here.. it reached -40 celsius and it was just so bad. hope you feel better in terms of you being sick

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. Great haul. Your cat is really pretty. The snow is pretty to look at, but hard to walk in. So many pretty covers. I like the Disney stuff as well.

    Books of Love

  3. Omg, the view outside looks lovely! Loved The Offering, and am excited for TVS. <3

  4. What a pretty scenery . Enjoy your haul carina

  5. Always love to see what you got. You're amazing with how much you love and buy books. I may have to download The Vanishing Season.

  6. The Offering is so pretty! So is The Essence. If I remember correctly, The Pledge was pretty great as well. I also downloaded The Vanishing Season! It sounds (and looks) awesome.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. So sorry you have been sick. We were sick here at my house for ages. Never thought I'd go a night without hacking. I hope you get better soon.

    LOVE the snow picture. So pretty :-)

    I haven't gotten any book mail this year but hoping for some next week. Always so good to get a package...especially when you have little patience like me and can't wait after you order something.

    I hope you feel better and have a great week Carina!

  8. What a fantastic haul of everything! Congrats on winning some prizes on the advent calendars!!
    I cannot wait to hear what you think of Rebel, The Vanishing Season and The Impossible Knife of Memory!

    Feel better soon, kick that cold's arse away! *hugs*

  9. Auto-approval is awesome and bad at the same time. I hope you'll be feeling better soon! And you got some good things like always, especially the impossible knife of memory.

  10. Lol! Look at all those pretties. And your cat is looking fierce. :)

    Happy reading, Carina. <3

  11. Oh, Promise Bound is already out!? Didn't know that! I was waiting for the series to be complete to finally read book 2 and then 3. Guess I can do that now :D

  12. I am so, so sick, too-I hope you get over your cold soon! And your mail hauls are crazy, Carina, I can't believe all the stuff that comes to your door! I hope the last mermaid book in the Lies Beneath series is good, too--I really liked the first one, but haven't had a chance to read the second yet.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  13. WOOW that's the view you get outside? That's so beautiful! I wish we got snow here :(
    I love so many of the books you got, and I really need to read Promise Bound. Hope you get to the trilogy soon, it's great :)


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