
Saturday, January 4, 2014

In My Mailbox #114

Happy New Year everyone! So far 2014 has been pretty good. I have read two books; Death Sworn and Bad Kitty :) And I'm reading another one right now; No One Else Can Have You. But I'm mostly hating it so I'm not sure when I will finish it. Will try to have it finished today or tomorrow. Anyway. I also posted a few other blog posts this week. My Best Books of 2013. <3 My Books Read in 2013. And another Cress Tuesday post with two teasers :) I'm still way behind on every comments that I have gotten since November. And I'm so sorry about that. I'm hoping to have time next week; as sister and nephew leaves then. When they are here life gets super busy. Though I have loved playing with the new Wii U with my sister :) But anyway. I only got one thing in the mail this week! And it arrived today as well. Which has been beyond depressing. Waiting on so much, and nothing has arrived :p Well. Next week, for sure. <3
What did you get in the mail this week?

Tinder. Only book that I got this week. But oh, I'm very excited about it :D Hope I will love this book, as I think it sounds pretty amazing and I just adore that cover. Creepy and gorgeous. So excited to read it.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. The cover for that book is gorgeous! So creepy! And look at your kitty for contrast, so adorable!!

  2. Looks like your cat likes the cover as well. Tinder definitely is new to me. Cute Cat by the way.


  3. cutest cat EVERRRRRRRRRR. She stole the spotlight of this post Carina, sorry :P

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  4. Tinder looks so good! I love the sound of it :) Happy reading.

  5. That cover is so pretty! Kitty is just the cutest. I only got one book this week too. I'm ok since I have so many to read. I hope you have a great week and enjoy Tinder!

  6. Have a lovely week, Carina! That fluffy kitty though..

  7. Post-holiday sadness! I hope things pick up for you. And enjoy Tinder! I have not heard of it, but hopefully, you love it :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. Aww...your fluffy kitty is soooo cute! I love cats. Enjoy your reads, and sorry, it looks like the book you were reading didn't work out. I glimpsed your 1 star rating. Hope your next one works out, Carina! :)

  9. OMG your kitty is just the cutest fluffy thing ever! :D

  10. 1) Your cat is adorable!
    2) And that is such a creepy cover! Hope you enjoy the story.


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