
Saturday, December 14, 2013

In My Mailbox #111

Got some pretty amazing things this week. <3 Though still missing a whole bunch. Ugh. Hoping it will all arrive soon. Anyway. December has been such a busy month for me so far. I feel like I don't have time for anything. And I'm tired and hurting all the time as well. I have not read much; just re-read Graceling, Fire and Bitterblue. But very happy about that. <3 Hoping to read more soon. I'm busy because I'm doing about 80 advent calendars a day online. Taking a lot of time. But, thankfully, done on December 24th. Excited about that, lol. Hoping I will win something awesome. <3 I did get some pretty awesome things this week though. And I'm very happy with it all. I'm busy all the time and since the days are going so fast I feel that I'm behind on everything. Behind on comments. Behind on emails. Behind on life. Sigh. Hoping to catch up soonish :) What did you get this week? <3

Revelations. Got this from Tor Teen. <3 Thank you! I'm hoping to read it pretty soon, I think :D
Champion. Last copy of Champion for me. <3 But, different publisher than the rest, hih ;) Pretty.
Waterfell. Gorgeous bookmarks gotten from the amazing Amalie. <3 LOVE the sea horse!
Faking Normal. Won this awesome signed book + t-shirt from Courtney :D LOVE! Thank you. <3

Pippi. I adore Pippi, so just had to buy this. <3 Got mostly all of these movies cheaper than regular :)
The Curse of Chucky. I do like Chucky. For the most part. So hoping this movie will be good.
The Lone Ranger. Not seen this one yet either. Hoping it will be pretty epic. Fingers crossed :)
Epic. I adore this movie. And I needed to own the Norwegian edition as well. So pretty. Sigh.
After Earth. Wanted to watch at the cinema, but didn't happen. Really hoping it is amazing ;p
The Great Gatsby. Have not seen this movie yet, so I just needed to buy it. Hope it's good :)
Monster University. Got it in 3D :D Hih. I did enjoy this movie a lot. Excited to re-watch soon.
The Croods. Finally owning the Norwegian blu-ray version. <3 This movie is just so perfect. Love it.
Thumbelina. Needed a blu-ray edition. <3 Love this movie. Hoping Norwegian edition will come out.
Les Miserables. Had to buy this special edition. Needed it. Hih. Gorgeous artbook inside :)
Frozen CDs. Deluxe and regular edition. They are both so gorgeous. <3 Love. Want the movie, though.

The Body Shop. Bought a few items on sale. <3 And I'm loving them. Coconut is still my favorite :)
How To Train Your Dragon. Got these figures via ebay :D They are pretty adorable. Loving them.

Signed Faking Normal ARC. Oh, this is just GORGEOUS. <3 Thank you Courtney :)

I forgot to take a picture of my new Hippo plush. <3 So sharing my instagram photo :) I adore him.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Oooh, awesome Body Shop stock! And congrats on the signed copy of Faking Normal, signed books are the best!

    I hope you will be feeling better soon, sweetie!

  2. Awesome stack. That's so cool that Tor sent you that book. You are so lucky.

    Books of Love

  3. Epic & The croods are on my wish list :D Thumbelina is so cute and I really liked les Misérables. More than I thought I would! Congrats on winning that ARC and feel better soon :)

  4. Amazing haul! I've been meaning to catch up on the Legend series; I've actually sadly only read the first book. I hope you enjoy all of your stuff!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. really want to check out Faking Normal! Looks awesome

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. Feels like Christmas already!! :) :)

  7. Amazing bunch of goodies! I also got the Frozen soundtrack and love it! Hey, have you ever read the Starcrossed trilogy by Josephine Angelini. Its kinda like a cross between Percy Jackson and Twilight.

  8. I really want to watch Les Miserables, but every time it's on TV I never seem to be able to focus on it for too long. I don't movies that are told through signing all the way throughout are for me. :( Shame since the storyline seems interesting.

    Ooh, I do love The Body Shop! <3 And that hippo is adorable!

  9. Great haul! Love the signed arc. I've yet to read Faking Normal but looks great. Very cute hippo--looks soft. Have a great week Carina..I hope you feel better and more rested next week.

  10. I know what you mean about December. I'm looking forward to some more free time once the new year rolls in. The Great Gatsby wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be, but I know I'm in the minority there. I love the soundtrack though. I hope you enjoy it! I got a copy of Revelations too, though I have no idea how they got my address for that. O_o

  11. Loving the prize from Courtney! I'm very jealous, but I'm glad it's going to a good home! I have Faking Normal from Edelweiss, so hopefully, we'll both enjoy that one! And I hope you love all of your books! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  12. Ooh, that seahorse and Frozen's CD looks gorgeous!
    Hope you enjoy them all! :D

    Neysa @ [B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E]

  13. Look at your pretty books! :D I really liked CHAMPION, and I am really looking forward to JUST LIKE NORMAL, too. Such a pretty tee-shirt, you lucky duck. I hope you enjoy everything, Carina!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  14. Absolutely love the Channel Your Brave shirt! It is awesome! You got lots of goodies in the mail and I hope you win more from your 80 Advent Calendars. :)

    I love The Body Shop products! Looks like you got some good deals.

  15. Oh lord, no worries! I'm behind on just about everything too! See how I'm doing my commenting from Sunday on Tuesday? :) But how fun that you reread all of Kristin Cashore's books! They're simply the best. I think Fire was my favorite of the three. :) And ooh! The Frozen soundtrack is so good! I just might know all the words to all of the songs. Hehehe. I also might have embarrassed myself deeply at the Disney store last week flipping out about all of the Frozen stuff.

    Have a great week Carina!! :)
    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  16. You won nice stuff, the Faking Normal package is so cool! And the Olaf plushie is v cute:)


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