
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Cress Tuesday #10

After having read Cress I got this idea that I wanted to share a small Cress teaser with you all every Tuesday this year. I will not share which page the teasers are from, and I will not share any spoilers. Just want to share some amazing things to get you all more excited for Cress; because it is amazing. <3 So every tuesday here on my blog will be a Cress Tuesday. I'm pretty excited about it :D Hope you enjoy.
The teasers are from my ARC copy of Cress and may not be the same in the finished copy. <3

She tensed. Wolf's voice was rough and desperate. She dared to meet his eyes.
His brow was damp with sweat, his pupils dilated.

She stared back at her own reflection as the doors slipped shut behind her.
Her heart started to pound. Thankfully no one else was in the elevator to witness her,
because she lost her hold on the glamour immediately, gaping into her own brown eyes and,
for the first time, felt horrified of who she saw in that reflection.

My review of Glitches. My review of The Queen's Army. My blog tour post of Cinder.

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :)


  1. Yay two teasers this week! Love both. I can't wait to see more of Wolf in Cress :D

  2. Aaaaaaaah!! Just cannot wait till Feb when my preordered copy of Cress arrives!!

  3. I have this on my shelf for review, and features like this just get me more and more excited to FINALLY pick it up! Lovely teasers this week, Carina! xo

  4. That first teaser makes me curious about Wolf, even if it is just a few lines. I still need to read Scarlet though! I hope I can finally get around to it in the new year. Thanks for sharing, Carina! :)

  5. Oooh! That is a really good teaser!



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