
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #23

Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On

1. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo.
This is the book I want the most right now. And it isn't out until June! Forever away, but I still cannot wait to read it. Hoping and thinking that it will be all kinds of amazing. Dying to read more of Mal and Alina. <3 This series is all kinds of perfect and I need to know what happens next. So excited for it.

2. Winter by Marissa Meyer.
I just had to include Winter on this list. It's forever until it is coming out, but my god. I just read Cress and oh, I need to know what happens next. <3 I think Winter will be the best book in this series of four books. Cress was perfect and I think Winter will be even better. So excited for more Kai and Cinder :)

3. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare.
I cannot wait to read this. Sixth and final book in the series and I'm so excited for it. Need to know what happens next with everyone. <3 Feels like ages since I read the first books, but still. I adore Cassie and I cannot wait to finish this amazing series. Jace and Clary are amazing and I adore them so much. <3

4. The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa.
I am dying to read The Forever Song. Loved The Immortal Rules and The Eternity Cure and I need to know what happens next. So excited to read more about Allison. Thought the ending for book two broke my heart. I need to know that Zeke is okay.. <3 Fingers crossed. Cannot wait to read the ending for it.

5. Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman.
Been waiting forever to read the sequel to Seraphina. And I still have forever to wait; not out until 2015 :( But I think the wait will be worth it. This Shadow Scale will be an epic book and I cannot wait to read it. <3 So, so excited for it to come out. I'm also really hoping for some more amazing romance, hih (A)

6. Burning Kingdoms by Lauren DeStefano.
I adored Perfect Ruin. Thought it was an amazing book and I cannot wait to read this sequel. Think it will be awesome. Sigh. So excited to read about everything and everyone :D Though I'm still hoping for Morgan and Judas as a couple, lol. <3 Wishful thinking. But anyway. Dying to read Burning Kingdoms.

7. The Lotus War #3 by Jay Kristoff.
No official title for this book yet. But my god, I just know it's going to be epic. Stormdancer and Kinslayer were perfect books and I cannot wait for this final one. I need to know what happens next. Have so many fears and hopes and wishes. This third book will be amazing; just wish it was out already.

8. Mortal Heart by R.L. LaFevers.
I'm so excited to read this book! I loved Grave Mercy and Dark Thriumph so much and I just need to read the next part of this amazing fantasy series. So excited to read about Annith; I think she will be amazing. Sigh. I just adore Robin's writing. She's an awesome author. I'm dying to read Mortal Heart. <3

9. The Offering by Kimberly Derting.
I'm so excited for this book to come out. Not too long left to wait now! I loved the first two books so much, though the ending of The Essence was so evil and heartbreaking. I need to know what happens next. I just, I need Max and Charlie to be happy together. Pretty please? Yeah, dying to read this. <3

10. Lady Thief by A.C. Gaughen.
I cannot wait to read Lady Thief. Feels like forever since I read Scarlet, but oh, I do remember loving most of it a lot. I just know that this book will be heartbreaking. Since, you know, I read this evil preview. But oh. I have hopes for Scarlet and Robin. Please let them be together at the end of this book.

Really wanted to do this weeks top ten tuesday. So I did :D There are so many sequels that I'm dying to read. But these are the ones I want the most. <3 Been three months already since my last topic post ;p
What is on your top ten list this week?

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)


  1. Ruin & Rising, Winter, Lady thief, Mortal heart, The forever song, YES TO ALL :D

  2. I really can't wait to read Cress! I'm glad you enjoyed it :-)

  3. Perfect list! I forgot Burning Kingdoms! So many amazing sequels coming up it's hard to remember them all. really can't wait to read them all :-)

  4. Great list. I have Cinder and Scarlet on my bookshelves right now, waiting to be read. I need to make time for them because I have heard nothing but amazing things about them! Pretty excited to finally start that series. My TTT.

  5. Great list! Most of those would make my list too and those that wouldn't are because I need to start the series first, but they're all on the TBR list for sure!


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