
Saturday, November 30, 2013

In My Mailbox #109

This has been a pretty awful week. I got a cold last weekend and it seemed to last forever. It was awful. I wasn't able to do anything. No reading. Didn't feel like reading anything at all. Sad face. But then I finally managed to read These Broken Stars; which I'm writing my review for. So only got to read one book this week. Hoping to read more next week, but we'll see what I feel up to. Anyway. I did not get much in the mail this week. Which also made me really sad, as so much is still missing or just lost. That always upsets me. Sigh. But anyway. I am happy with what I got. <3 What did you get this week?

The Seven Realms. I just had to get this pretty boxset. And fantasy series! Reading pretty soon :D
Catching Fire. Pre-ordered ages ago. It looks pretty awesome and I'm loving it a lot. Pretty :)
Pocahontas. Finally owning this in blu-ray :D I'm hoping to re-watch it pretty soon. Probably. <3
The Jungle Book. This movie is kind of adorable. And I just had to get it in blu-ray; since, classic.
Crash Into You. Not sure when I will read this. Maybe soon. Maybe not. But, it is pretty, at least :D
Pawn. I need to read this soon. As I also have it twice via Netgalley ;p I am excited. For the most part.
The Little Mermaid. Blu-ray is the best, but I also need to own all the classics in DVD form. <3 Pretty.
The Princess and the Frog. Been a while since I watched this movie. Think I must re-watch it soon :D
Bolt. As I did get such an awesome price for these five classics I had to get Bolt in blu-ray. <3 Adore.

And then I got accepted for Vengeance via Bloomsbury UK :D THANK YOU! So happy. <3 Hoping to read it pretty soon. Sigh. Very happy, as Bloomsbury US seems to hate me on Netgalley. Hih. 

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Awesome haul. Heard that Vengeance is suppose to be good. Also the Seven Realms is suppose to be really great. Hope you love everything you got.


  2. I want that catching fire illustration guide! LOVED the movie!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  3. I love Pocahontas & The little mermaid <3 I didn't like Pawn, but I adore your box set of the seven realms! I only own the first book and it sounds great. Happy reading and hope you feel better :)

  4. Oh so much fine things. I'm jealous of you. Lucy you :) Love Pocahontas and The little Marmaid :) And Catching Fire :D

  5. Awesome haul. I was flicking through my Catching Fire movie companion last night too, going to see the movie today. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Pawn, it's gotten some pretty good reviews so far.

  6. Ohh I'm interested to see what you think of The Seven Realms series. I've had those books for a long time now and still have yet to read them.

    Awesome haul, C! <3

  7. I'm sorry you didn't get to read much this week, but hopefully more next week! I can't wait to read Pawn, I'm very excited for that. Also, Crash into You is amazing <3 Really hope you love that as much as I did.
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. Well, I hope you have ample opportunity to read this week! Pawn and Crash Into You are so so so amazing! Well, Pawn is really great. Crash Into You is pretty good (in my opinion). I'm not completely on the Crash Into You bandwagon.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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