
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cress Tuesday #3

Hi! After having read Cress I got this idea that I wanted to share a small Cress teaser with you all every Tuesday this year. I will not share which page the teasers are from, and I will not share any spoilers. Just want to share some amazing things to get you all more excited for Cress; because it is amazing. <3 So every tuesday here on my blog will be a Cress Tuesday. I'm pretty excited about it :D Hope you enjoy.
The teasers are from my ARC copy of Cress and may not be the same in the finished copy. <3


"And speaking of regonizing you as the true queen..." She shriveled into her seat, squeezing 

Wolf's hand. "Miss Linh, I have spent years planning for for the time when I would find you again. 
You should have come to me straightaway." Cinder wrinkled her nose. "That's precisely why I didn't."


My five stars review of Cress

Was allowed to do this by Marissa and Macmillan; Thank you. <3 Marissa is the best. Check out her amazing website :D I'm also very much in love with the Lunar Chronicles facebook. So pretty. I hope you enjoy the teasers :) There will be one teaser each Tuesday. Can't wait for you all to read Cress :)


  1. Thanks for sharing the teaser! I still need to read Scarlet! O.O I do like the sound of this book though.

  2. So, so want to read this. Awesome you got an ARC.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! I finally could preorder Cress in my Kindle app! So enjoying all the teasers so far!

  4. Thank you for bringing us Cress Tuesdays :) Love it!


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