
Monday, October 21, 2013

Mini Review: Free Four by Veronica Roth

This is my second time reading this short story. And short it is. It is about thirteen pages of a Divergent scene written from the point of view of Tobias aka Four. And it is amazing. The writing is great, like always, which is a plus. And of course, there is Four. And he will always be perfect. This short story is from the knife throwing scene in Divergent. And it is amazing.

We see more of Four and the way he thinks, which is just so good. We learn more about his relationship with Eric, though not too much. We learn more about how he feel about his new faction and how he feels about Tris, even though it is early.

There really isn't too much to say about this short story. Free Four is written great and it is a good story. We learn more of Four and I adore that. I wish it had been longer, but I'm very happy with what I did get to read. I will be reading the other short stories told from his point of view as well. And I cannot wait. Because Four is my favorite character and I adore him.


  1. This reminds me that I still need to read this short story! Maybe I'll do it before starting book three. :) Thanks for the nudge!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. I loved this short story! And I adore Four too <3 I think he's possibly my favourite YA character ever. Can't wait for the rest of the Four short stories to come out. And Allegiant is out today! Gonna spend the whole day reading it :)

    Richa @ City of Books

  3. I love when we get to read books told from another character's POV. This sounds fun! :)

  4. Even though I've given up on this series, I'm curious about this novella. Who knows? Maybe it will jump start my initial love for these two again. :)

  5. My only complaint for this short story was that it was so short - I needed more pages!

    Nice review :)


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