
Monday, October 14, 2013

Mini Review: Foundation by Ann Aguirre

This is a very short story, so my review won't be very long. I'm not sure how I felt about it, to be honest. I loved getting to know more about the world from the Razorland series. I loved getting to know who Robin was; since we get to know about him in the other short story. It was an interesting short story.

We don't get to see too much in this, but we get to meet Robin and his family. It was a bit sad to get to know their lives, what happened when the world went to hell. But I did enjoy getting to know it. We read about their life in the bunker, though it's just for over a year. Then something interesting happens :)

There is also some romance in this book. Between Robin and Austin. Which I kind of adored. It was different and awesome. I enjoyed reading about it, though this was very short and I wanted to read even more about them :) Enjoyed it, though.

I'm giving it a four stars, though, because I had some issues with it. Didn't fully like the way it was written; since it was a journal entry. I think. But I did think the story was interesting, though a tiny bit boring compared to the official books. The cover art is gorgeous, but nothing to do with the novella, which was a little bit disappointing. But I didn't mind too much. I would read anything from this series :) And I do think you should read Foundation if you have read the Enclave books. <3 Can't wait to read more by Ann :)


  1. Seems like an intriguing short story. It has romance, you say? My ears just perked up. Though truth be told - I still haven't started the series by Ann Aguirre. I should though, right? Great honest review!

    Precious @ Fragments of Life

  2. I don't do journal entry format well either. But glad to hear you still managed to enjoy

  3. I haven't read any of the books in the Razorland series. This sounds like a good short story. I loved your honesty and the fact that you enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing! :) <3

  4. I read this novella before reading anything else in the Razorland series so I enjoyed getting a little bit of the setting of what happened before!
    Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. I really liked this short story--I liked that it gave us a different POV and just a glimpse of what came before. I don't normally like journal style either, but for the most part, I think it worked well here.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  6. I absolutely love that cover! I don't know much about this series so looking forward to continuing on.


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