
Saturday, October 26, 2013

In My Mailbox #104

BEYOND excited about what I got this week. BEST MAIL WEEK EVER. Disney Store items. CRESS. Other AMAZING ARCs. Sigh. Dying. <3 Got so so much amazing this week and I'm so excited for it all. <3 Anyway. I re-read Divergent and Insurgent early this week, but have yet to get my hardcover of Allegiant so not reading that one yet. But I did read Cress and it was so so perfect. <3 reading Plus One next :) Can't wait. Sigh. Just so, so happy this week. Did you all enter my new international giveaway? :)
What did you get this week?

ARC package from Macmillan. <3 They are the best publisher in the world. Thank you Ksenia :)

The Rule of Thre3. Think this sounds like an awesome book! Love the cover. Will read it soonish ;p
Nil. Hoping this book will be amazing, because it looks and sounds good. Excited to read it soon :)
Plus One. Oh, I cannot wait to read this! I ADORE Elizabeth. I think I'll love this. Reading it next.
Bad Kitty. This book looks adorable. Reading it pretty soon and I'm pretty sure I will adore it. <3
Sekret. Sounds interesting and exciting and I really hope it will be amazing. Reading it soonish ;p
The Lost Planet. Oh, I'm very excited for this one. Awesome cover. I must love it; I just must.
CRESS. SO excited! Best book. <3 Already read and loved. So, so perfect. Dying for Winter :)
Unforgotten. Cannot wait to read :D So excited for it! Loved book one. <3 And oh, so pretty.

The Hunger Games Jumbo Word Search. Thought this sounded kind of awesome, so had to buy it :)
The Iron Traitor. Already read an ARC of this book, but oh, this UK edition is so so gorgeous.
Allegiant. UK paperback. <3 Not reading this edition, but I just had to own it. It is kind of pretty.
The History of Pi. Have not yet watched this movie, so had to buy it. The three blu-ray were on sale :)
Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. I have not seen this movie yet, but think it looks kind of cute :)
The Hangover 3. This movie was good, not great, but I still had to own it, hih. It was mostly good.
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Exile swag. Gorgeous swag I won from Shannon. <3 Thank you. Love it!
The Shadowhunter Codex. Ah, the very expensive special edition. But my god, it is so gorgeous! <3
The Hogwarts Library. This looks all kinds of awesome. Three hardcovers. I love it. Need to read :)
Outpost. Gorgeous new US paperback. <3 After finally reading it, I now want to own all the copies.
Horde. Ohh, hardcover already arrived :D And it is gorgeous. Sigh. This book was all kinds of perfect.
Catching Fire. Heh, I may not love Josh as Peeta, but I still had to own this magazine. I just had to.

Frozen. A few more gorgeous Frozen books and calendar. <3 love love love. NEED the movie now, please.

Disney Store US. Yeah. I might be very happy with all of this. <3 Pretty expensive, but worth it for me. LOTS of gorgeous Frozen items :D Love love love. Olaf is so awesome. And Kristoff. Sigh. Some gorgeous Tangled things and a new gorgeous Merida. Love. And Christmas Lotso :D Love him. And Sully. <3 Sigh. They are all so amazing and I'm very pleased with them all.

Disney Store UK. I also ordered a few things from Disney Store in the UK. <3 And I'm in love with all of them. Toddler Anna and Else are gorgeous. Love them so much :D Waiting on a smaller package as well. It will arrive early next week, I think :) Excited to get that one too. <3

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. YES! Cress! I am so happy you got a copy, read it and loved it! It was such an amazing book, sigh. Lovely haul! Look at all the Frozen goodies. Your kitty is entirely too cute.

    My Friends Are Fiction

  2. I want Cress and The Lost Planet too. Glad you got so much.

  3. Awesome, awesome, haul, Carina!!! I might be slightly (ok, a lot) jealous of your copy of Cress!!!

    Have a great week! :)


  5. That's awesome that you got NIL! I have an eARC of that one. But I totally would love an ARC! And I'm waiting on my ARC of The Iron Traitor to arrive - soon! Not that I've read the series o.O I'll probably give it away. Anyway, enjoy your books, Carina! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. Such an amazing haul! I'm so excited for Plus One, Cress, and Sekret!

  7. So excited that you got Cress (by the way; so this publisher does send INT? Good to know!) I love your Hogwarts library edition <3

  8. Oh my gosh, how exciting! Cress! And I'm so glad you loved it; that bodes well. :) I'm also excited you liked Plus One! I only heard about it recently but it sounds awesome. Monstrous Beauty was good, so I had hope. :) Happy reading!!

  9. Wow Carina, you always seem to have the best hauls! I requested a copy of Nil, as like you said it sounds utterly fantastic and look at that cover! So pretty! I think I also need to read up on Plus One, it sounds quite interesting. Also your Frozen collection is super awesome! Happy reading Carina! :)

  10. Holy cow! You weren't kidding! Your mailbox was out of control amazing this week. So awesome! Glad you got so many fabulous looking books and goodies. Hogwarts Library looks so good! My mouth is still hanging open from the haul you got. :) Have a great week!

  11. Hah hah, we have almost exactly the same mailbox...minus the toys. I saw you've already reviewed PLUS ONE, too--that is crazy! I'm looking forward to that one, will check out your review after I've had a chance to read/write mine. Which won't be for awhile, probably. ;)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden


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