
Saturday, October 19, 2013

In My Mailbox #103

I think I read pretty good this past week. I read Enclave, Outpost and Horde. And the two short stories in the series. But I finished all of that on Monday. And I haven't read anything since. I wanted to, but I'm waiting and hoping to get something in the mail. But nothing has arrived so far. And with Allegiant coming out next week, I'm going to start re-reading Divergent and Insurgent today :D It's been so long since I last read it o.O Anyway. I'm happy with what I got this week. <3 Though next week will be epic. Just you see. Did you all enter by new international giveaway? :) What did you get this week?

Frozen. I am DYING for the Disney Frozen movie. <3 It will be amazing. There was just another new trailer, and it is so so good. Sigh. Cannot wait to get all my disney store items from it :D
Christmas in the Castle. I just had to buy myself this one. It's adorable. Adore Tangled and Brave. <3
Catching Fire. Was supposed to have a different cover, book depo said :\ A bit sad. Still, pretty.
This Song Will Save Your Life. Just had to buy the UK paperback as well :) This book was awesome.
Bethany Griffin swag. Got these from Bethany via her blog. <3 She's awesome and these are gorgeous!

Ashen Winter. Hih, had to get the paperback. <3 Though I'm not sure why. Hmm. The book is good.
Renegade. Paperback of this one too. Loved the book. But I need to stop buying so many copies (A)
Never Fade. Did not love book one. But hoping to read this. One day. In the future :D Pretty, though.
Bang. Excited about starting this series soon. <3 Adore Lisa. Think these books sounds awesome!
The Fault in Our Stars. Gorgeous new Australian edition. <3 But my god, it was damaged :(

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Oohh you got a lot of stuff this week, like always :)
    I really wanna read This Song Will Save Your Life, it sounds so good. Hope I'll get it soon. And I also need to read The Darkest Minds, so I can read Never Fade. Sorry you didn't like the first book though!
    Almost done with my Insurgent re-read, and I'm so excited for Allegiant!
    Happy reading, Carina :)

    My IMM

  2. Love the new cover for The Fault in Our Stars! Sad it was damaged though. Boo. Anyway, enjoy all your goodies this week, Carina. ;)

  3. I really want to read Never Fade and I'm surprised to read that you didn't like the Darkest Minds, it was slow but I loved it! I also really loved This Song Will Save Your Life, it was amazing! Awww about the Fault in Our Stars cover, the cover is still amazing though! And I am also super excited for Frozen, new disney movies are the best!! Awesome haul and enjoy all the new lovelies! :)

  4. I love the new edition for The fault in our stars. I'm sorry to hear it was damaged :(

  5. Yay-more cute Frozen merchandise! I'm really excited to check it out as I just adore Disney films.

  6. I love the Aussie edition of The Fault in Our Stars! Though I still haven't read that book. O_o And I was planning to re-read Insurgent before Allegiant came out (as I can't remember a thing), but I've had the book unintentionally spoiled for me and don't want to pick it up anymore. I look forward to getting your thoughts soon! :)

  7. Loads of pretties! Aaah, This Song Will Save Your Life was indeed awesome!
    It's a bit of a bother when you're expecting a cover and then you get another, that's why I am pondering whether to order Perfect Ruin from TBD or not, cause I want the US cover in my hardcover copy!

    My SS:

  8. I was at Disney this week and they have so much Frozen stuff out! I didn't even know what it was about--all I had seen was the very first teaser trailer with the snowman. Sad that your TFIOS was damaged. :( Yay for Bang! I'm starting that one soon---Lisa McMann has never let me down!

  9. Aww, Never Fade is SO GOOD - trust me, Carina, you will LOVE it. The romance gets better, I promise! :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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