
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Title Reveal: The 5th Wave #2 by Rick Yancey

Sharing the title for the sequel to The 5th Wave today :D I loved this book. It was amazing. And oh, I just cannot wait to read the sequel. Think it will be amazing. I just need to know what will happen next to everything and everyone. I love the title. Think it is amazing. And so excited to read what it means :) Just wish it was May 6th already. Also hoping to see the cover soon :D What do you think of the title?



  1. The title sounds interesting! I'm not sure if I'm going to read it though because I didn't love The 5th Wave but I kinda enjoyed it. I'm still excited to see what the main characters are put through! :)

  2. oh wow I really like the sound of the title! I hope the cover matches with the first but is also unique with the title
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  3. The title sounds great. I still haven't read The 5th Wave but I'll soon :))

  4. Oh I love this title! I wonder what it means too... and whether or not its referring to an actual sea. Thanks for sharing, Carina! :)

  5. That is an awesome cover and title. I haven't read the first one yet- but this looks good! Thanks for sharing it. :)


  6. I wasn't too impressed with the 5th Wave, sadly, but the title for the sequel is wonderful! I am really interested in what the cover will look like.

  7. I need to read the 5th Wave. The second title sounds really good! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love the title! And I love how the two titles tie in together.

  9. What?! I do love the title but it seems so far off from the 5th Wave. Doesn't matter. Loved the 5th Wave, I'm sure I'll love the next one!

  10. Love the title! I still need to read T5W, though.

  11. I need to read The 5th Wave so badly, after all it's not often a main character is called cassie!


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