
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Book Recommendation: Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

I had forgotten how much I loved Stormdancer. It's been way more than a year since I first read it last summer. It took me forever to re-read it, even though I've wanted to read it again ever since I finished it. But I was worried about reading it again, because I remembered this one thing that would break my heart and annoy me a tiny bit. And it still did. But it wasn't all that bad, and I felt like I understood it better this time. So yeah. I'm very glad I re-read Stormdancer now, before I finally read Kinslayer :)

It took me a few days to re-read this. It's kind of a difficult book to read with a whole bunch of complicated words. But it is also written so good and I loved the world and characters so much. While it was hard to read sometimes, it was very worth it. I think Stormdancer is an amazing book and I recommend that you all read it. It may be a tiny bit hard to understand in the beginning, but you should not give up on it. Because it's so interesting and it gave me all the feels. Happiness and heartbreak.

Stormdancer is told from so many different point of views. But it is mostly just told from the point of view of Yukiko, a sixteen year old girl. And oh, I loved her so much. She's strong and kind and sweet. Well, fine, she does this one selfish thing that broke my heart a bit. But I still like her, and I think she's an amazing heroine. I loved reading about her past, about her brother and mother. Though those flashback scenes shattered my heart. So sad. Yet I loved those scenes so much. I loved Yukiko's heart.

I don't know how to write this. How to write about this amazing book. I wish to talk about all of it, yet I shouldn't talk about it at all because I feel that I will spoil everything. But I think I have some things to talk about, most likely. All those characters. I loved Yukiko and Buruu the most. Though Kin might be my favorite character. He's so sweet and honest and he has the sweetest heart. I don't understand how people can hurt him so much. I loved reading from his point of view, though that too was sad.

Another character I liked was Yukiko's father. He is the Black Fox of Shima and he's pretty amazing. Well, okay, he's not that amazing in this book. He has faded away and he smokes too much Lotus. It just broke my heart, all of it. Especially when I learned why he is that way. So much heartbreak, damn it. Unfair. But so, so good. And real. I also loved reading about his friends, they were amazing. I'm bad at remembering how their names are spelled, just know that they are all very amazing to read about.

There is so much to read about in this book. So many things to learn. The plot is truly amazing and I just cannot explain it at all. But yeah. I loved reading about it. About the Lotus and the Guildsmen and everything. I loved reading about the legends. I hated how bad things were in this world. I loved it as well. I want to get to know more about it all. About the lands next to Shima. I want to know everything. Mostly I want to know even more about the thunder tiger. He was truly amazing to read about.

This book is mostly about Yukiko and Buruu. Though we get to read about a bunch of other characters too. But those are the main ones. And I loved reading about them together. Their arguments. Their love. Their friendship. It was written so perfect though it did make me so sad most of the time. But it was so good and I loved reading about. I loved the parts in the middle of the book the most, when they are all out in the forest. Sigh. Loved that. Ohh, also curious about the Oni. They were so creepy.

I just can't describe this book. I can't share how I felt about it, because I felt so much. It is amazing and I'm so glad I read it and just re-read it. It's heartbreaking. It's beautiful. There is a little romance in this book, with Yukiko and Hiro. I did not approve. At all. I adore Kin. Sniffs. But oh, it was interesting to read about, for the most part, and I didn't really hate it. Just hated that Kin got hurt. Not fair at all. Anyway. Stormdancer is amazing. And I loved it so much. Now I'm worried about starting Kinslayer :)

Stormdancer. Jay Kristoff. The Book Depository.
My old review of Stormdancer.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. "I loved Yukiko and Buruu the most."

    Me too! I love the bond they share. I'm not too sure about, Kin, though. He didn't really stand out to me as a character. I think I'm going to have to re-read this one before diving into Kinslayer. :)

  2. I love that this book had you feeling so many emotions that you aren't sure how to put your feelings into words. Sounds like an amazing read. I love when I reread a book and enjoy it just as much or more than I did the first time! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I haven't read this series yet and with the reviews going one way or another for this one, I'm just not sure it's for me. I'm so glad you loved it though - so much so that you just had to re-read it. I hope you'll love Kinslayer!

  4. I loved Stormdancer and can't wait for Kinslayer myself!
    Great review!

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed this, Carina! I had to give up on it last year as the writing really didn't work for me at all. It felt a bit too dense and overly descriptive. Though I'm glad that you were able to stick with it. I hope Kinslayer doesn't disappoint! :)

  6. The characters sond well done and I have been eyeing this story for a while

  7. I had so much trouble getting in to this book, which really soured me on it. I wanted a book where I understood the world right away instead of having to wait for Kristoff to dole out pieces of information.


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