
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Review: The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

The Dream Thieves was amazing. I don't really know how to describe my feelings for it. There was happiness. But for the most part there was pain, at least for me. And a little bit of heartbreak as well. There were funny moments, sweet moments and awful moments. The Dream Thieves had it all. Loved it.

Been waiting to read this book for so long. Almost a year since I first read book one, The Raven Boys, and been months since the ARCs started coming out. I've been insanely jealous of those ever since April and I suppose that is why I haven't read much, because I have been waiting for The Dream Thieves to arrive :)

I read a print ARC of this gorgeous book. Which I got from the US publisher, Scholastic, and was first sent to my friend Gillian in the US. Who then sent it to me. <3 She's awesome. Thank you Gillian. And thank you Scholastic for letting me read and review The Dream Thieves. It was very much worth the wait.

I started this book yesterday afternoon, thinking I wouldn't be able to finish it that day. But I did. Read until midnight and I just wish the book was even longer. The writing is perfect, like with the two other books by Maggie that I have read. I just loved the way everything was written. How the characters talk and think and how things are described. Not too much and not too little. I do not think I will spoil anything in my review, as I will mostly talk a bit about the characters. So there will be no spoilers :)

I can't deal with how awesome this book was. There is a lot of more Ronan in this, and I loved it so much. Ronan is an amazing character and I loved that we got to know some more things about him. Also loved reading from his point of view. I do not think he's all bad. He's pretty sweet I loved this small thing we got to know about him near the end. Different and awesome. Also very much in love with his raven, Chainsaw. She's adorable. I hate his brother Declan, though. I still think he's awful and selfish.

But we also get to know Ronan's younger brother, Matthew. At least we get to know him a little bit. And he seems very sweet and I enjoyed reading about him. We see some more of Declan too. Yeah, still don't like him. We also get to know of this forbidden place for Ronan and his brothers, and it broke my heart yet it was so interesting to read about that I couldn't help but love it. We learn things about his father as well, some things I did not approve of. But I do think he would have been amazing to read about.

Although the book is mostly told from Ronan's point of view it is not just about Ronan. There is so much Gansey in this book. Yet not enough. He is still my favorite character, though. He's sweet and kind and always there. He's the bestest friend. Think he would be the bestest boyfriend too, hint hint :) But anyway. Gansey is amazing and I feel so sorry for him at times. Sobs. Yet he does have some awesome friends, even so. And I adore his family. Loved that we got to see them a little bit more this time.

There are so many amazing scenes between Gansey and Blue. Funny ones. A few sweet ones. Even jealous ones, I believe. They are just adorable and I will forever be shipping them. Just, don't die Gansey. Pretty please. There need to be a way around Blue's curse and Gansey's upcoming death. Glendower could help, I think. We also see more of Blue. Yet not enough. But oh, how I adore her. She's amazing. Such an awesome main character girl. And I adore her family. All of them. So sweet and funny.

We get to see her family more in this book, and we get to see a romance between Maura and the Gray Man. Which I just adored so much. It was sweet and awesome. Although the Gray Man broke my heart. Loved reading about him and from his point of view. He's a bit dangerous, though. Yet I liked him a lot. He's a very interesting character. There is another new boy as well. Kavinsky. He has a lot to do with Ronan. I really hated him. Truly. But he was an interesting character, and I enjoyed reading about him.

There is so much to talk about. But I won't talk about it all. There is a lot of plot in this book, yet I sort of wished the search for Glendower had gotten farther ahead. But I do suppose that will happen in book three and four :) We learn more about Ronan's dreams. Which is awesome and creepy and scary. Loved reading about it. And oh, Noah. I loved reading about Noah. He's still so sweet and dead and sobs. There is this really cute scene between him and Blue that was awesome and yet it broke my heart so much.

Okay. I guess I should mention Adam as well. I did not like him in this book. At all. He was sort of cute in the beginning of book one, but oh, how I dislike him. I don't like how he is with Gansey. He hurts him so much and it is just not fair. He never says he's sorry. He did something to Blue as well, and he never apologized. Not okay Adam! Not okay at all. He changed in this book. Not for the better. At least not for me. Although by the ending he seems better. Still, I do not like him much at all. I did want to, though.

The Dream Thieves is an amazing sequel to yet another amazing book. It was well worth the long wait I had to go through to get it. Though now I must wait another year for book three.. which I might not manage. But still, so excited. Hope there will be a title and cover reveal soon. <3 This book does not end with a cliffhanger. Well, okay, it does, but not such a bad one. I was happy with the ending. For the most part, if you look away from that heartbreaking scene a little while before. Still, amazing.

I feel like sharing a teaser from The Dream Thieves. I'm not sure if it can be called spoilery, since Gansey sort of think the same in book one. Be aware, though, that I'm not sharing the whole quote, because I don't agree with what Gansey think after :D He is truly selfless, though he do wishes to be loved more. Which is just breaking my heart. I want them all to need Gansey for once. Really, truly hoping for more Gansey love in book three. Though there were some in this book, and it was good.


Gansey ran over memory until he no longer felt the thrill of hearing Glendower's name whispered in his ear, and then instead gave himself over to feeling sorry for himself, that he should have so many friends and yet feel so very alone. He felt it fell to him to comfort them, but never the other way around.
~ page 133

My book recommendation of The Raven Boys

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. I only skimmed your review as I don't want to know too much about this book before going in, but I'm so glad to see you loved it overall. And that teaser? Cruel! My heart is aching for Gansey already. I really hope there are enough Blue and Gansey scenes to keep me happy. ;) Thanks for sharing, hon!

  2. Like Sam I just skimmed because I'll be reading this one in a few weeks. SO happy you loved it! Now, I'm more eager to read.

    My Friends Are Fiction

  3. I'm in the middle of this and was curious what you thought. So glad you really liked it. I don't like Ronan's older brother much either. And wish there would have been more of a search for Glendower. But so far, I'm really enjoying this too.

  4. I was tempted to skim your review but I'm glad I didn't because you managed to get me even more excited about the book without spoiling anything!! Thank you for the great review!

  5. I know how much you love these books - you've pretty much talked about it on a regular basis. Lol. I don't blame you though, I love the author's writing and though I've only skimmed The Raven Boys, I'm waiting for this to come out before I can fully read that one.

    Great review, Carina. I get the fascination. Truly, I do. :)

  6. Eeeee, 5 stars! I'm not going to read this review yet because I haven't written mine, but I am thrilled to see you loved it, too. Yay!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  7. Wow! This sounds awesome. I haven't read The Raven Boys yet- but I heard it was great and it is on my list. I am adding this one next to it. :) Thanks for sharing!

  8. Been wanting to read this one for a while, but still haven't picked up a copy. Awesome review, thanks for the honesty!

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