
Saturday, August 3, 2013

In My Mailbox #92

I've read three books this week! And I'm going to start re-reading Scarlet a bit later today :) Feeling happy. Hoping I'll be able to read even more, that I won't just stop after having re-read Scarlet ;p I didn't get too many things in the mail today. Still waiting on so much. Sniffs. So much that I'm doubting will arrive :\ Things I have won, mostly. And waiting on lots of pre-orders :) And even more How To Train Your Dragon things, hih. <3 Just a few movies left :) Anyway. I loved everything that I got this week. Truly. Just wish I had gotten accepted for some eARCs.. Sigh. Hopefully soon, though :D ALSO. I saw a lot of comments on my bookshelves about why I have so many copies of the same book. I feel like I have answered it many times, but I guess I can say it again :) When I love a book I want all the different editions. One to read, one to look pretty. Although I never read the paperback editions, I still need two copies of them (A) That's just the way I am, and I love it like that :) Ohh. And I've posted a whole bunch of gorgeous cover reveals this week :D Check them out :) What did you get this week?

Soul Screamers. Heh. I still haven't started this series, yet I own all the books + the volumes (A)
All Our Yesterdays. Such a good book! Perfect. Paperback arrived day after I had read my eARC, lol.
The Three Musketeers. Wasn't too expensive, and I adore this movie. I just had to get my own copy :)
Rio. I still haven't watched this, and it was cheap, so I just had to buy it. I hope it will be awesome ;p
Charmed Vengeance. Sigh. I'm really excited to read this sequel :) Just need to start reading it :)
The Raven Boys. Two copies. Gorgeous cover. Perfect book. Very sad that there was no extras, though.
Gift of the Night Fury + Book of Dragons. Had to get these, to get the Book of Dragons alone :D
Riders of Berk. Only 4 episodes, but I got it for the dragon cards inside, lol. They are gorgeous.
Hiccup figure. I had Snotlout, and now I have Hiccup too :) He's adorable. Although thing is damaged.

Ohh, almost forgot about this book that I got from Macmillan via NetGalley :D I think it sounds awesome, although a tiny bit sad in the middle when I peeked at the ending (A) But I am excited to read it :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Pssst. Did you all enter my new international giveaway? One winner will win some awesome swag and the amazing The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girl :) Enter HERE.


  1. I love the US paperback cover for The Raven Boys (though I do still prefer the original)! Ronan doesn't quite look the way I pictured him though. I still can't wait to read The Dream Thieves. :) I considered downloading The F- It List, but wasn't sure if it would be my sort of story. I might just wait to see what you think of it first. Enjoy! :)

    1. Me too :) Yeah, US hardcover is prettiest :) but I do love this paperback edition too ;p

  2. I agree with Sam! I liked the first cover of The Raven Boys more than this! Though hope you enjoy all your reads!!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  3. Yay for All Our Yesterdays Carina, I loved that book and saw on your twitter that you did too! I agree Julie Halpern's latest book sounds great, although you have me a little nervous about the ending now :(

  4. Glad you are on a reading streak! Yeah! I know you will love rereading Scarlet and maybe it will make you want to read even more. :)

    Gift of the Night Fury and Book of Dragons look SO good. :) Enjoy your new goodies.

  5. Cool haul. Happy reading :)

    following via twitter, bloglovin, goodreads & fb

  6. OMG! I loved All Our Yesterdays! Such a great book. And that's awesome that you got The Raven Boys! Hope you enjoy all of your books, Carina :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. I'm really looking forward to reading All Our Yesterdays! And The Raven Boys is so amazing <3 Can't wait for The Dream Thieves xD
    Awesome haul, and happy reading :)

    My IMM

  8. haha i think people keep asking (including myself, SORRY!) is because you had 12 copies of one book.. which is just wow. Still, totally understand, everyone has their own thing they like to collect and such. If only i can snag a copy of Graceling, Fire, and Bitterblue from your bookshelves :P. As for this book haul, I REALLY want to get the Soul Screamer volumes.. found the second volume in stores but didn't want to get it until I got the first and read it.

    awesome book haul Carina!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  9. I love Rio :D! I'm happy that you're finally able to read some books. Enjoy the things you got!

  10. Ohhh I'm excited to read All Our Yesterdays! Is it out yet? Lovely haul this week, Carina! Enjoy!!!

  11. Yay AOY! I really can't have enough copies of that book I loved it so much. Wonderful haul Carina!

    My Friends Are Fiction's SS

  12. Hiccup is awesome! And as always you have such nice haul xD

    Love the Soul screamers series - I hope u love it too =]]]


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