
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #94

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

REVELATIONS (The Elysium Chronicles #2) BY J. A. SOUDERS

Goodreads Description:

The follow-up to J. A. Souders’s riveting SF psychological thriller for teens, Renegade

Six weeks ago, Evelyn Winters was locked away in Elysium, a city hidden miles beneath the sea, brainwashed into submission. With the help of Gavin, she fought free of her captors and the fog in her own mind. He took her back with him to the Surface, a world she's never known. Now she will begin a new life.

But her past is closer than she thinks...

Hardcover, 320 pages
Expected publication: November 5th 2013 by Tor Teen
Pre-Order here.

I quite enjoyed Renegade. So I cannot wait to read Revelations :D Although I found the ending of book one to be a lot of depressing. And because of that I need to know what happens next. With Evelyn and Gavin. <3 I loved the romance in book one, and I just pray that there is no love triangle in this one :) I'm really excited to read this book, and I really hope I'll love it.
What are you waiting for? 


  1. I haven't read Renegade yet but I'm really hoping to get to it soon! And then I won't have to wait as long for Revelations, hehe :D
    This cover is really gorgeous <3 Hope you enjoy this one, Carina :)

    My WoW

  2. I love that cover! I haven't read Renegade, but I hope I can get a copy of it soon! Great WoW pick!
    Check out Scott Reads It's WoW

  3. I haven't read anything by J.A. Souders! But I think this cover is very cool. Isn't it crazy that we picked WoW books that release on the same day!? :D :D :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. I've not read Renegade...I'll have to look it up. I've actually not read a thing by J.A. Souders. I guess I need to change that since you enjoyed the first in the series.

    My Friends Are Fiction's WOW

  5. This is a great pick Carina. I loved Renegade, even though the end broke my heart. I'm looking forward to seeing where it picks up. Thanks for stopping by my WOW!!!

    YA Sisterhood

  6. I haven't read the first, but sounds good/ Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi at Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  7. I haven't read the first one yet- but this does sound intriguing. I hope you LOVE it when it comes out! :)

  8. I liked Renegade! Wasn't in love with it though, but still looking forward to Revelations too! Great pick. :)

  9. I still need to check out the first book, but this one looks great!

    Nice WOW :)

  10. Yeah no love triangles ha ha! Seriously though the city under the sea thing sounds kinda cool, looks interesting.

  11. The first book in this series looked really good and I kept meaning to read it and never did. Glad to hear you love it! Hope Revelations is awesome, too!

  12. Hope this sequel lives up to your expectations and makes you fall even more in love with the series!


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