
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday #90

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

They thought they had escaped. They were wrong.

After fleeing the Branch with Sam, Cas, and Nick, Anna is trying to make sense of the memories resurfacing from her old life. At the same time, she's learning how to survive in hiding, following Sam's rules: Don't draw attention to yourself. Always carry a weapon. Know your surroundings. Watch your back.
Then a figure from Anna's childhood reappears. Is it a Branch setup, or could it be the reunion Anna has hoped for? Uncertain of where her loyalties lie, Anna must fight to learn the truth -- before she is betrayed again. Ultimately, the answers hinge on one question: What was the real reason her memories were erased?
Jennifer Rush delivers a thrilling sequel to Altered in a novel packed with mysteries, lies, and surprises that are sure to keep readers guessing until the last page is turned.

Hardcover, 288 pages
Expected publication: January 7th 2014 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here.

I'm dying for this. Really, truly dying. Been a while now since I read Altered. And I loved it so much! Such an amazing book. And just, gah. I need this! I need to read Erased right now. Sigh. I need more of Anna and Sam and just everyone. Dying to know what happens next. Also, the covers are pretty awesome :)
What are you waiting for? 


  1. I still haven't read the first book in this series, maybe I'll after this one comes out. I hope you'll get the book soon ;)

    Here is our WOW

  2. I haven't read the 1st book yet. Hopefully I'll read it soon :)

    Here's my WoW

  3. I need to read Altered still. To be honest I'm not a fan of the covers...I just don't like shirtless guy on cover. I know I'm a freak! I will read these at some point (esp since you love them so much)

    My Friends Are Fiction's WoW

  4. Great pick! Thanks for sharing.

    my WOW:

  5. Ahhh, I need to read Altered soon! Great pick =D

  6. This sounds like an awesome series! I hope you love the second as much as you loved the first! :D

  7. Hee! The covers are pretty awesome. ;) I really enjoyed Altered, too, so I've been looking forward to this for a while now! I hope it's as good as the first book, if not better. :)

    Great pick, Carina!

  8. I've heard really great things about this series. I should purchase and read a copy of Altered soon! Thanks for sharing. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  9. Gorgeous cover. Need to read the first. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Um...kind of ogling that guy's chest-hope he's 18+!

  11. I have never heard of this series. Thanks for the introduction. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!


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