
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mini Review: Elecopter by Michael Slack

Elecopter is a short and really cute picture book. When I saw that Macmillan had ARC copies of it I just had to request it. And I'm glad I did. It isn't out until September, but you should really buy it then. Because it is a really cute book with amazing illustrations :)

While this is a really short book with not much text to read I still managed to love it. Mostly because I kind of love picture books and middle grade books. There are some amazing illustrations in this book. Of Elecopter and a whole other bunch of pretty animals.

There is also a small plot in this picture book, featuring Elecopter. She's a blue Elephant mixed with a helicopter. Which I found to be really sweet, to be honest. She's just so cute; and a real hero :)

The book tells a short story about Elecopter and the things she does for the savannah. The animals she rescues from hurt and the things she does to keep them all safe. I just enjoyed looking at the pictures of it all and reading the little text :) It was a great picture book. It isn't very long, though, so I'm not sure what else I can say about it. Wish it was longer, but it was also really perfect the way it was.

I think a lot of kids will love this book. I loved it, even though I'm not a kid anymore :) So I think adults will love it too. At least they should, because it's cute and lovely. The pictures are really stunning, and I think I need to check out more of the artwork by Michael. I really enjoyed reading this short book.
Thank you so much to Ksenia at Macmillan Kids for the review copy of this amazing picture book :)


  1. This looks super cute! I need to look up for my girls

    1. Oh, it is just so cute :D You really should do that :)

  2. This book looks adorable. I am glad it is as cute as it looks! I look forward to checking it out in September. :)

  3. I haven't picked up a picture book in a long time! I generally tend not to read them, but I'm glad you thought this was nice and cute. Great review. :)

  4. cute - love the name and the pic

  5. Cute idea to squeeze a children's book into the mix. A cute, simple book.


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