
Saturday, June 29, 2013

In My Mailbox #87

Well. I thought for sure that I was back to reading, since I read two books last week. But I was not. Sigh. But I will try to start a book tonight or tomorrow morning. I hope. Because I wish to read. I just don't feel like doing it or doing anything else, to be honest. Not sure what's wrong with me. Maybe just lazy. Sigh. Still. Hope I'll be able to read soon :) Not all lazy, though, cause I don't feel like I have time to do anything before the day is over, either. Oh, well. ANYWAY. I got some awesome things in my mailbox this week :D Although I wish there was more.. right now I'm just waiting on a few things that I have ordered. So little! Still missing a few things I've won :\ Pre-ordered a lot of books, though. But they aren't coming out just yet :) And I still have so many left to pre-order. What did you get this week?

Ponyo. Such a gorgeous picture book. The movie is just so cute and perfect. Sigh. I love this so much.
Divergent. I had to buy two copies. I HAD TO. It's Divergent. And it looks perfect. Love, love, love.
Charmed Vengeance swag. Got this from Suzanne via the Airship Squadron. <3 Love them! Gorgeous.
The Dance of the Red Death. Got this copy from the UK publisher. <3 Thank you Nina! Love it :)
After Daybreak. I don't know why I own all three books when I have not started it yet.. Heh. Still :)
Wreck-It Ralph. Oh, finally own this. <3 Need to play it soon :D Think it will be awesome. I hope.
Up. Just had to buy this. Wasn't too expensive, and the movie is just so so cute. Hope it's good :D
Sherlock Holmes. Only cost me about £2. Very cheap. Haven't watched nr 1 yet, but I own it :)
Petra Volare. Won this amazing signed book from Nutschell :D Thank you so much! So pretty.

NausicaƤ. The Art of is so damn gorgeous. LOVE it. And another manga version :) Missing 2.
Castle in the Sky. Now own all the manga versions of this amazing movie :) Love them. Sigh.
Angry Birds. Soap bubbles! Had to get it, since it's Angry Birds, and it is pink! So, so pretty.
The Lost Sun. I'm really excited to read this :D Hope it's amazing. Hoping to start it very soon.
Winter Queen. I kind of adore the author. So I just had to buy this. Hope it's good :) It's really pretty.
The Girl of Fire and Thorns + Crown of Embers + The Bitter Kingdom. Won all of these pretty things from Bibliopunkk. <3 Thank you sweetie! My own ARC copy of The Bitter Kingdom :D So pretty.

The Real Boy. So happy that I finally got accepted for this via Edelweiss :D So excited to read it.
Doon. Think this sounds like a kind of awesome book, love the cover. I hope it is good, though :)
Asylum. I liked the summary for this book, and got accepted via Edelweiss. Hope it's good ;p
The Beginning of Everything. Well. Was SO EXCITED that I got accepted on Edelweiss for this book. And then I go to download. And it says it expired on June 5th. Even though on another tab it says July 27th. Either way, though, I CANNOT download it :'( Harperteen did not respond to my tweet.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Awesome books this week! I can not wait to read Dance of the Red Death and The United States of Asguard. Congrats on winning The Girl of Fire and Thorns series :D

    Alise @ Readers In Wonderland
    My StS

  2. I haven't been hearing the best things about Asylum, which makes me a little nervous, but I hope you can tell me it's good! The Lost Sun sounds quite good - I must give that one a try. Winter Queen has such a pretty cover, too! Enjoy all your new books, Carina. :)

  3. I enjoyed Beginning of Everything and hope you do too.

  4. Wonderful haul! I'm so jealous...I got declined for Doon. I can't wait to read your thoughts on it. Looks like it'll be wonderful! Also Crown of Embers! Great, great books.

    My Friends Are Fiction

  5. Go and watch Sherlock Holmes! I adore Robert and this is one of his best roles :D Winter queen and THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS SERIES. I love love love Rae Carson's writing and I can't wait for The bitter kingdom <3

    Asylum looks creepy :D Enjoy!


  6. oooh, you got Doon! I'm excited to hear what you think!

  7. OH! So many great books and movies! And then the Entertainment Magazine! I've got to get a copy or at least look at one, so I can see the Divergent pictures!

    Tabitha @ Tabitha's Book Blog

  8. Ponyo!!! That looks like such a mesmerizing film and I have been looking to see it. Just haven't gotten to it and it's strange how a Jonas brother and Miley Cyrus's younger sister do the voices in the American version.

  9. I got The Beginning of Everything this week, too! So can't wait to start that one. And I also plan on binge reading the entire Girl of Fire and Thorns series this week while I'm at the airport and on the plane on Tuesday, so I'm looking forward to that. Have heard that The Bitter Kingdom is a fantastic conclusion to the trilogy.

  10. Nice! And "Dance of the Red Death", yay! I hope you enjoy it!

  11. Wow an amazing haul Carina, I love that you have some cool magazines, Wii games and DVD's mixed in there too! The Dance of Red Death looks so gorgeous! I hope you enjoy all your lovelies! :)

  12. Awesome books. I can't wait to read The Bitter Kingdom.

  13. I loved The Real Boy and hope you enjoy it too! I think Doon also looks awesome! The Beginning of Everything looks fascinating. Congrats on all the book and for winning on Nutshell's blog- that book looks great!

  14. I love so many that you got! I'm excited for Dance of Red Death! Doon looks so good---I still can't believe someone wrote a book based on Brigadoon! Fun! :D


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