
Saturday, June 22, 2013

In My Mailbox #86

I read two books this week! I'm awesome, lol :D And I'll be starting another one tomorrow. Glad to be back to reading. I hope. First book I read I did not enjoy. But the second one I loved :) I got a few amazing things in the mail this week. <3 Still waiting on this important thing that I won :\ Sigh. Hoping it will arrive really, really soon :) Having a bit trouble with my kitty, though. What did you get this week?

Defy the Dark. Think this sounds awesome :D Lots of short stories by amazing authors. Sigh. <3
Star Cursed. I can now finally read Born Wicked ;) Such a pretty book. But evil ending.. Heh :)
The Pirate's Wish. Need to read book one as well, but think they both look amazing. Pretty, too.
Venom. Been wanting to read this for a while, so I just had to pre-order the paperback months back ;p
The Dance of the Red Death. Heh. I pre-ordered the UK paperback as well as the hardcover ;p Pretty.
Siege and Storm. Not sure why I pre-ordered two copies.. Hih. But it is really pretty :D I love it.
Shadow and Bone. UK paperback like the UK paperback of S&S :) So pretty. Love this book so much.
Totoro t-shirt. Oh, I love getting t-shirts from Qwertee. <3 This is just all kinds of gorgeous. Love it.
Kiki's Delivery Service figure. Now only missing two of these figures :D She's just so pretty.

The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die. Read this via Netgalley a while ago, and I needed my own copy :)
Tumble & Fall. Did not love this book, but oh. It is so, so pretty to look at. Thanks Macmillan. <3
Engines of the Broken World. This book looks pretty interesting, hope it's good :) Thanks Macmillan. <3
Altered. I have to read the first book, but I do think they both sound amazing :D Thanks Macmillan. <3
Horde. SO happy about this! Finally re-reading Enclave and reading Outpost :) Thanks Macmillan. <3
City Cat. Looks so cute! I cannot wait to read it. Think I'll love it :) Thank you Macmillan. <3
The Raven Boys. The Scorpio Races. Might have payed a bit much to get these two signed (A)
But I don't mind. They are just perfect. Maggie is amazing and I love both these books so much. <3 
Elecopter. Think this book looks so cute :D Love the cover. Excited to read. Thank you Macmillan. <3

Cause I'm a bit bad at remembering, I forgot to mention that I got accepted for Indelible via NetGalley last week :D I think it sounds pretty awesome, and I hope to be reading it soon. <3

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Yeah! So happy for you that you got to read two books this week. Sorry one wasn't so great. Looks like you got a lot of great things this week. I hope your special item comes soon.

    Elecopter looks SO cute! Happy reading. :)

  2. Ooo, more Siege and Storm copies! And Venom! I've read Venom - my review is on my blog. Oh my gosh you got Horde! I am instantly jealous - I love Ann's books. I hope you enjoy all of your books, Carina!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Love the Totoro shirt! So cute!

  4. You are so lucky:) Tumble and Fall, want that book to:)

  5. How did you get Altered?! I would die to get this book!!! Great haul Carina :) :) xx

  6. So jealous of your book haul!

    I am dying to read The Raven Boys. I just need to get my hands on a copy.

  7. WOW you always have some awesome books to share!! :) I can't believe how awesome Maggie is even her signatures are awesome! :) I can't wait to read Shadow and Bone and I plan to read it this summer! :) Great haul.

  8. The pirate's wish & Siege and storm <3 I NEED THEM. I'm happy you are back into reading Carina :) Enjoy your books!

    Haul from Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  9. city cat looks adorable!! i need to add it to my list!

  10. Siege and Storm!! So fantastic. Venom is fabulous, too. Oooh! Signed Maggie Stiefvater books - so, so cool!

    Hope you enjoy everything :)

  11. That's quite a pile of books you got there, sweetie. I hope you'll enjoy them all. I've been seeing a lot of Tumble and Fall mentions lately, so looking forward to your thoughts about that.

    Great haul!


  12. Wow-that is a lot of books! Of course you finished two this week so yay for you. Hope you're continuing to knock them out.


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