
Friday, May 3, 2013

Twenty Years and International Giveaway

Today, May 3rd, I turn twenty years Teenage years are over. Not sure yet how I feel about that. I'm hoping to have an amazing day today :) Not getting into anything personal, but I am going to say that so far this has been the best year of my life :) I have a new kitten, and I'll have a new apartment pretty soon. <3 And I have tons of books to keep me happy, and an amazing family. I have everything I could ever want. Except a boyfriend. Yet. Because I haven't done a giveaway in forever, I've decided to do one now, today, since it's my birthday and all and I'm feeling kind ;) I'm also sort of celebrating that I have 700 blog followers :) Which I think is pretty awesome, to be honest. I just wanted to thank you all, for following my blog, and for commenting on my blog posts :) You guys are all amazing. Thank you.

For my giveaway there will be one winner.
International, to whoever can get books from The Book Depository.
Book of Choice from my Favorites list, picture below.
Only rule is that you follow my blog via Google Friend Connect. (GFC)
Good luck :)


  1. Happy Birthday Carina! All the best today! And what an awesome way to celebrate :) Thanks for the giveaway! Look forward to more reviews!
    PS. I turned 20 five months ago ...not sure how I feel about that still! hehe

  2. HB! Wish u all the best for u and your blog.
    20 years is a kind of a mark for everyone.
    :) Thank you for celebrating with us.

  3. Happy Birthday mays it be filled with love, loved ones and more books^^

    enjoy and thank you a lot for sharing with us

  4. Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day!

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  5. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    Happy Birthday!! You will have an awesome time!!

    Your kitty is absolutely beautiful:))

    Thank you:)

  6. Awww, happy birthday Carina!! :) I still remember my 20th birthday... I was kind of sad of not being a teenager any more. But I am completely honest... I am 24 and I still call myself a teenager lots of times :P I don't really feel like an adult so why not :P I hope you'll have an incredible birthday and I wish you all the best in the world sweetie :) I hope you'll achieve your dreams but most of all that you'll be happy :) <3 <3 Lots of love xx

  7. Happy Birthday, Carina!
    Thanks for sharing it with us :))

  8. Happy Birthday, Carina! Wish you all the best! :)

  9. Happy Birthday! I love that all the books of your favorites that I read are my favorites also! So this makes me think I should read the ones in that group I have not. Adding them to my list right now! :--)

  10. Happy Birthday, Carina! You're still SO young compared to me. Enjoy your birthday and your life. You have lots of awesome times ahead.

  11. Happy Birthday! :) Congratulations on the followers and thank you for the giveaway. :)

  12. Happy Birthday, Carina! Hope you have an excellent celebration!!! If seems as if you did get everything you wanted and I think if you wait long enough, the right one will come their way. Keep up the intriguing and exciting writing!

  13. Happy Birthday, girl! :D
    Thank you so much for the giveaway! :)
    (Ileana A.-rafflecopter)

  14. Happy birthday! I hope that this year is ever better. :)

  15. Happy birthday, Carina! Welcome to your twenties, where nothing but fun times and quarter-life crises await you! I'm kidding, it's all just fun times and good books! I hope you have the best day ever!

  16. Happy birthday, Carina! Sounds like life is pretty good...I wish you all the best in the coming year! :)

  17. Awww, you are so nice! Thank you for the terrific giveaway! And happy birthday!!! I turn 18 in a few months. Exciting times! But you're no longer a teen :O That's okay because the 20's are great too! :D

  18. Happy Birthday!!!

    Thank you so much for the fantastic giveaway to celebrate :)

  19. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! haha hope you have a good b-day with your new kitten. She is soo adorable:)

  20. Happy 20th birthday and thank you so much for the giveaway!

  21. First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Leaving behind those teenage years can be scary, but your 20s wil be awesome!

    Secondly, thank you for holding this giveaway! I love all your choices, such good books all around!

  22. Happy Birthday, Carina! :)
    Thanks for the INT giveaway. Great books to choose from! ;)

    Greetings from Latvia!

  23. Happy Birthday!! Don't worry, you won't miss them(your teen years..I mean;)..Thanks for the giveaway. .love your book's like I'm looking at my list!

  24. Happy birthday and I wish you many wonderful books in the future :) Thanks for the giveaway

  25. Happy birthday, and what great books!

  26. Happy Birthday! I would love to have any of those books! *fingers crossed*

  27. Happy birthday! thanks for the great giveaway!

  28. Wow, happy birthday! :) Many happy wishes!

  29. happppppppyyyy birthdayyyy!!!! to youuuuu happy day
    by almendra

  30. Happy Birthday Carina!
    Hope you had a smashing one.

  31. Happy birthday :D And thank you for the giveaway. ^_^

  32. Super-happy belated birthday to You!!!
    As I see your faves are my faves - some of them definitely would be ;)


  33. Happy B-day!!!!

  34. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your day. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Happy Birthday, Carina!! I looked at the pictures of your kitten and she is so adorable :) I hope the coming year is AWESOME for you.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    ~Amber Terry~

  36. Hope yopu have an amazing year and happy birthday even if I'm late. Amazing giveaway, thank you! :)

  37. Hope you had a wonderful bday and thanks for the giveaway! ^_^

  38. Happy birthday, and thank you for the giveaway!

  39. Happy Birthday! You have a lot of favorites I want to read. Thank you for the giveaway.

  40. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank you so much for this amazing giveaway!! There is def a couple of books in that list I have been dying to read!

  41. Happy Birthday! You kitten is such a cutie! Gorgeous. And great selection of books.

  42. Happy Birthday, and what an amazing choice of books! I might choose Cinder or Jellicoe Road, since those are two from the list that I haven't had the chance to read yet :)

  43. Belated Happy Birthday! I turned 20 last year and it sure is a different feeling than being a teenager :)

  44. Happy belated Birthday!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  45. I love all the selections. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day.

  46. Happy birthday! The 20's were my favorite years! I'd love to have my own copy of The Scorpio Races.

  47. Happy Birthday! Your choices are amazing!

  48. Happy Birthday. thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  49. This is completely late, but happy belated birthday! And thanks for the groovy giveaway.

  50. HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a WONDERFUL B-day! :)

  51. Happy birthday! I hope you had a great day :-).

    Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

  52. Happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great day :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. Happy (belated) birthday!

  54. Happy Belated Birthday! Thanks so much for the amazing giveaway. You have lots of books on my TBR list up for grabs! :) Yeah!

    Hope you have a happy weekend. :)

  55. Happy Birthday! Thank you for the chance to win! I'd love to win any of these books.

  56. Happy birthday! I hope to visit Norway some day.


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