
Saturday, May 4, 2013

In My Mailbox #79

Well. I did not get much this week. Which kind of depressed me, to be honest (A) Hih. I am waiting for kind of a lot, you see. Well. Hoping the rest will arrive soon :) I am happy with the awesome things that I got this week, though :D I also have a few new blog posts. Pictures of my new kitten HERE. A new blog page with my 12 favorite books HERE. And a new international GIVEAWAY HERE :) Because I turned twenty years old yesterday. Ah. No longer a teenager ;p I also read some awesome books this week :)
What did you get this week?

The Elite. I still don't know if I will ever read book one. Yet I needed to pre-order this sequel.. sigh.
Dead Silence. Have the other UK paperbacks, so had to have this one too. <3 So pretty, though. Hih.
Shades of Earth. Yeah. I kind of love this cover. The book is just so amazing. Love this paperback :)
The Golden Compass. Well. I ordered a special DVD. This was NOT it. So pissed off. Got wrong one.
Of Poseidon. Gorgeous, gorgeous paperback. <3 I am finally re-reading this book today.. worried.
If You Find Me. Oh, this book is just so good. And this UK hardcover is so gorgeous! I love it so much.
Once Upon a Time in the North. Cannot wait to read this one. From the Dark Materials :D So excited.
Eva Solo. Table coasters :D I love them so much, and now I have four of my own. <3 They are amazing.

I got accepted to read Shadowlark via NetGalley. <3 So I will be reading book one, Skylark, pretty soon I think :) Because I do think that both books sounds pretty awesome, so I really hope I will love both of them.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I love the cover for Shadowlark. I can't wait to see what you think of both books! Enjoy. :) Also, you have a kitten now?! I completely missed that. I'll go and check out your post now!

  2. I watched "The Golden Compass" a few years ago when I was on a movie kick. I thought it was quite a fascinating picture, if you can put up with the religious complications that make up the film.

  3. I enjoyed The Elite and hope you do too.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  4. You've got the greatest books here!! The Elite, Of Poseidon, Shades of Earth and Dead Silence <3

  5. I love The Golden Compass, but I'm sorry you got the wrong one!

  6. Gorgeous books. Love those covers. Great haul!

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  7. Fabulous books! You can't go wrong with a Beth Revis novel....and the paperback Of Poseidon is so pretty!

    Hope you enjoy everything, Carina! :)

  8. I still haven't read Lyra's Oxford or the other spinoffs, I need to get round to that as I loved His Dark Materials! I was disappointed they never made a sequel to the film!

  9. Ohh I like this If You Find Me cover better! Is that a UK version? I haven't read Of Poseidon yet, might be high time, eh?

  10. Your small mailbox would still be huge for me. :) It looks like you got some fabulous books! If You Find Me looks fascinating. Happy reading!


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