
Saturday, April 27, 2013

In My Mailbox #78

Sigh. My kitten is adorable! She is the cutest cat ever. So small. And cute. And cuddly. I love her. Anyway. I also got lots of books this week :D Still waiting for my signed copy of Clockwork Princess :\ But hoping it will arrive next week ;p I'm very happy with everything I got this week. What did you get?
ALSO! Will be sharing pics of my bookshelves in a few weeks, when the building is done. <3 Oh! Also! I finally got to watch The Croods this week :D It was so, so amazing. <3 Loved it so much.

Quintana of Charyn. Sigh. Read this book in September, and it is perfect. Such an amazing series.
Unbreakable. Excited to read this book :D Must re-read the first one first, though ;p Soon, I hope :)
The Last Academy. I don't actually know what this book is about.. but I really hope it is good ;p
Gustav Gloom. Oh, this book was amazing. So, so good. Loved it. And it is so, so gorgeous :D 
If He Had Been With Me. Joy is responsible for this. I know it will break my heart. Still, needed it.
Unraveling. Paperback :D Sigh. Yeah, I did love this book when I read it last year :) So pretty.
Pushing the Limits. Paperback. Loves it. The book is amazing as well :) And oh so pretty, right?
Jellicoe Road. I just had to buy a second copy that will just look pretty. <3 I had to. One of the best.
Clockwork Princess. Again. Finally got bookdepo to ship me the two paperbacks I had pre-ordered :)
The Eternity Cure. Sigh. This book is just really amazing. I loved it so. But evil heartbreaking ending!

Nausicaa. My first copy of this was bent in all places :( But this new one looks perfect. Love it.
New Moon. Well. I hated this book. But I need this graphic thing, still, because I like the art.
The Hobbit. Ohh, this notebook is gorgeous. I love it very much :) So, so pretty. Amazing movie.
The Cadet of Tildor. I hope this book is amazing :D Know there is not romance, but think it will be good.
If You Find Me. I loved this book so much. It is just so heartbreaking and amazing. You must read it.
Dead Silence. I really need to finish this series. <3 Re-read book one and two, then book three :)
The Croods tattoos. Oh. I had to get 40 of these (A) Hiih. They are just gorgeous! Love so much.
The Croods mcdonalds figures. I love them all. Aren't they just so gorgeous? I think they are amazing.
Donkey Kong 64. Yeah. I had to get this :D Used to borrow it when I was younger, and I needed one.
Rugrats. Bought this with it, very cheap. Hope it's good, though :) I remember loving the show ;p
Studio Ghibli figures. Sigh. More of these. <3 I love them all. Bought via ebay :) Aren't they cute?

This week I got accepted to read Find Me via Edelweiss. <3 I hope I will love it. It does sound pretty awesome :) Got declined at first, but accepted after I requested again. Hoping to start it pretty soon :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I loved The Cadet of Tildor, and although there is no romance I am so rooting for one in the sequel! I hope to read Unbreakable soon, too. The cover is gorgeous!

  2. I really liked The Cadet of Tildor and loved Unraveling. I'm dying to read Unbreakable. It's on reserve at the library.

    Awesome that you have a sweet kitty. I'm loving my sweet puppy.

  3. I got Unbreakable too and it sounds good, I liked the first book so I just had to get this one. There's a novella too in this series.
    Hope you like it.

  4. Gosh girl, your showcases are always awesome! I love The Eternity Cure! =) Great week.

  5. SQUEEE kitten <3 I am a crazy cat lady, lol. Awesome book haul, holy smokes! I CANNOT wait for The Last Academy... I'm dying for it. I loved If You find Me as well, it was SO surprising... I actually didnt go in with high expectations but ADORED it :D I hope you enjoy all your books, Happy Reading!

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

  6. Wow, you got a lot of books, Carina!! I'm a little nervous about The Eternity Cure when I keep hearing things about the ending. Unraveling and Unbreakable were awesome, as was Pushing the Limits!! I loved that one sooo much! Hope you do too. Enjoy your reads! :)

  7. Sweet book haul!!! They all look great. That Hobbit notebook looks lovely, too!

    Hope you enjoy reading everything :)

  8. I have heard great things about Unraveling and hope you enjoy.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  9. LOVE your new books and that you get so many duplicates!! On the Jellicoe Road is brilliant and I haven't seen that PTL cover before, its the best so far. Happy reading x

  10. So much awesome in your pile! I need - want Unbreakable. How have I not seen this at my bookstore?! Anyway, I see If You Find Me and If He Had Been With Me. Welp. Box of tissues.

    Have a great week, Carina!


  11. I'm reading The Last Academy right now and its...interesting. Honestly I haven't made up my mind about it yet! Yes, I've heard that If He had been with me will definitely break our hearts, but it looks so good. I'll have to read it when I'm in the mood for a good sob.

    Enjoy, Carina!

  12. You have some amazing stuff there, but I'm especially in love with your Hobbit notebook <3


  13. What an awesome haul! You got so many great books and treats. :)

    SO glad you are having fun with your new kitty!

  14. I have seen a lot of people reading the Eternity Cure so I might order that later. Such a good haul, I am really jealous of your Studio Ghibli items! I love Ghibli! The figurines look really cute, I have been looking at buying a Totoro teddy but I might make one instead! The Nausicaa book looks amazing as well!
    And congratulations on your new kitty! She's beautiful!

    Aimee :)


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