
Saturday, April 20, 2013

In My Mailbox #77

It's just two days until I leave to go get my kitten. I cannot wait to get her :D Will be posting lots of pictures on my Instagram once I've gotten her. <3 I didn't get that much this week. But I'm happy with everything that I did get :D Still waiting for lots, though. Hih. What did you get this week?

Clockwork Princess. This is the missing one. Broken and ruined. Sigh. Last week was the replacement.
Etiquette & Espionage. Bought with Amazon giftcard. <3 It does sound pretty good. Hope I'll like it :)
Eleanor & Park. Not too happy about the ending. Still, I cannot wait to read it :) Sounds adorable.
Taken. Well. I kind of hated this book. But I still had to get a copy of it. Sigh. It is pretty, though.
The Eternity Cure. UK paperbacks. Sigh. Aren't they gorgeous? :) I loved this book very much.
The Last Echo. Paperback edition :D I really need to read all of these four books. Read one and two. <3
Legend. Gorgeous, gorgeous paperback. This book is just amazing, and I love it so much. So good.
Bitterblue. Amazing book. <3 New UK(?) paperback. I kind of love it. It's just such a good book.
Breaking Dawn Hallmark Ornament. <3 Omg. This one is just so gorgeous and perfect. I love it.
The Lord of the Rings. Hih. I had to get this. Cards :D Keychain ring. <3 I love it so much. Sigh.
Ole Henriksen. For my face :) Really expensive.. but I love it so. It's smells really, really good too.
Tangle Teezer. I don't know if this works for my hair, but I just had to give it a try :) So pretty. Hih.

I also got accepted via Edelweiss to read The Bitter Kingdom. <3 I've already read and reviewed it :) It was just so damn perfect. Sigh. Loved it.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. OMG that's an amazing haul :D I'm so envious of The Eternity Cure, I've only got an ebook copy

  2. Etiquette & Espionage! Yay! I'm really looking forward to that one. I hope you enjoy it, Carina. I've seen a lot of mix reviews about Taken so I think I'm going to pass on that one. I really want to read Eleanor and Park too but I'm afraid of the ending. Haha! The UK paperback of The Eternity Cure is lovely too. Hope you enjoy all these goodies, Carina! And have fun playing with your new kitten! :D

  3. I loved Taken! Though I know a lot of people didn't :P
    And I loved The Last Echo, too. I can't wait to read Dead Silence :)
    I'm looking forward to Etiquette & Espionage. Great haul, Carina! Hope you enjoy <3

    My IMM

  4. I enjoyed Taken and can't wait to get to Clockwork Princess. Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  5. Love that paperback version of LEGEND! Such a good book, too. And I'm so jealous of THE BITTER KINGDOM, but I'm glad that you loved it!

    Hope you enjoy everything, Carina!

  6. So many great things. Lucky you:) Love the Clockwork princess cover:)

  7. I want to read all of these books so badly! Can't wait till I can get my own copies! :)

  8. Carina, I need to see a bookshelf tour soon! please? :D, I loved Eleanor & Park! I need to get my own copy too! Etiquette & Espionage was good, but not awesome.

    hope you enjoy all your books
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  9. Wow the UK copies of Eternity Cure are so gorgeous! Etiquette and ESpionage was a fun one! I hope you love it!

  10. Ackk! How did you get Eternity Cure so early? Jealous. Jealous! Lovely haul, Carina. Enjoy everything!

  11. Yay for The Eternity Cure! I really need to buy it too...I loved it so much. Great haul Carina

  12. The eternity cure <3 I NEED IT. And Etiquette & Espionage looks great!

    Happy reading :D

  13. Clockwork Princess. Own it. Haven't read it yet. Amazing haul.

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  14. Wow, such great books! I got Eleanor&Park a few weeks ago, but I haven't read it yet. I've heard great things about it, though. You'll have to tell us what you think once you read it!
    Emily from Blue-Eyed Bibliophile


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