
Saturday, April 6, 2013

In My Mailbox #75

I've read three books since last week. Not that many, but better than none :D Still have some trouble reading. But will try again today to read another book ;p I got quite a lot of things this week. Kind of ;p Got this huge box from Simply Ali with adult/romance books and swag. It was awesome. And I got some awesome books that I had pre-ordered. <3 Love. Still, missing a lot :p But, I do love everything I got :) My pictures look a bit different this week, since we are building now ;p What did you get this week?

The Archived. Replacement for the broken one I won. <3 This one looks really perfect. I love it.
Dark Triumph. Sigh. Read this months ago. It is such a perfect book. And it looks so gorgeous :D
In the Shadow of Blackbirds. Amazing book. <3 My second hardcover :) Loves it so, so much.
Impostor. Pretty hardcover :) Except, a bit damaged :\ Grr. Still. I need to read book one soon :)
With All My Soul. Heh. I now own the whole series. I really think that I need to start them soon ;p
Moonset. Sigh. Pretty book. I do adore Scott, so I really hope I'll love this one :) It seems awesome.
Clockwork Princess. Two copies. <3 Had pre-ordered a different paperback.. but got the UK ones, again.
Once. US paperback :) Also realized I might own too many copies of this book (A) Still, it's gorgeous.
Masque of the Red Death. Pretty paperback :) Sigh. I did love this book. Want the sequel now, please ;)
The Immortal Rules. Sigh. Yeah. I kind of really love this new paperback edition now :) It's so pretty.
Kon Tiki. Haven't seen this Norwegian movie yet. Bought on sale. Really hope it is good, though.

The Madman's Daughter swag. Won these from Megan. <3 So gorgeous. And Madman tea! I love.
The Year of Shadows and The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. These are the most amazing bookmarks ever. Wish I had hundreds of them. They are just so perfect and beautiful and amazing. Love them so much. Thank you, Claire. <3 Her books are perfect, as well :) Best middle grade books.

The Croods. Bought via Ebay. <3 Wish they had these here :) They are perfect. <3 Ordered a few more that I didn't own as well :) Cannot wait to get them. They are just so, so pretty. I love them a lot.

Oh. My. Gods. books in Norwegian :D Won these and Mila 2.0 from Tera. <3 First two books are signed :D Thank you so much sweetie. <3 I adore them. Also got all that amazing swag as well :D 
Breaking Dawn Part 2. Wall.. something. It's huge and gorgeous and amazing. I adore it so much :)

Books and swag :D All of these amazing things I won from Simply Ali. <3 Thank you so, so much. Might be a bit too much swag for me, lol, but it is pretty amazing :) At the moment I don't read any adult books, but I think I might read them in the future, in a few years, maybe :) They look amazing.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. I'm so excited to start In the Shadow and Blackbirds and Dark Triumph! I've heard great things about both and hope you love them!(: Also, congrats on winning so many books! :D Happy Reading!

  2. Wow! You got SO many books. I can't wait till the library gets Dark Triumph in. I've already reserved it. I just joined Endelweiss and got approved for Transcend for an interview with Natalie Whipple. Thanks for your advice on joining it.

  3. Wow, Carina!! You've got a lot of stuff this week :) And I think you should check out the adult books ;) I like them a lot :) Try one - it can't hurt you ;) Quite the opposite I think ;) :P :P
    Have a great weekend! ;) xx

    1. <3 hih, thank you sweetie :) I will. Someday. lol :) I just don't like reading about characters that old :p but hopefully soon ;p Thank you. <3 you too :)

  4. I see "The Tomb" by F. Paul Wilson. He's definitely an author I have to get into.

  5. Holy cow, Carina! Your mailboxes are always great, but this one <3 I love The immortal rules and I'm so excited for The eternity curse. I need Dark Triumph! And In the shadow of blackbirds. I liked once, can't wait for Rise. The archived sounds great and I definitely need to get a copy from Masque of the red death.



  6. HAHAHA how many copies of Clockwork Princesses do you have now? 5? 6? LOL! AWESOME BOOK HAUL as usual!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  7. Ahh, love all the goodies you got! Once I've finished my current read I'll be reading Dark Triumph, can't wait! ^^

  8. Wow, that's a lot of goodies, and I mean a lot! ah I still need to get a hard cover copy of In the Shadow of Blackbirds. I must recommend the Soul Screamers series as they are really good, I'm currently reading With All My Soul. Happy Reading!

    My Letterbox Love!

  9. I'm so jealous of Impostor! I've been going crazy to get my hands on that book because I loved Slide so much. I hope you enjoy everything :)

    My IMM

  10. I'm loving all the swag! I see Hershey's chocolate! Makes me want some RIGHT NOW :D

    I hope you enjoy all of those books! I have yet to read Dark Triumph, but that's easily the one I need to read the most of your stack.

    Check is my STS post!

  11. Wow! That is a lot of swag! You got some great books, too. I bought a hardback of In the Shadow of Blackbirds recently as well (it's SO pretty inside!) and need to order a copy of Dark Triumph. Everyone seems to have loved that book. :)

  12. Cannot wait to read Dark Triumph! And awesome, awesome haul. Have a great week, Carina.


  13. Awesome how many books you got. Loved Clockwork Princess and can't wait for Impostor (even though I haven't read the first book yet. Hope to read them back to back). Enjoy your books!


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