
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cover Reveal: Vitro by Jessica Khoury

I cannot wait for this book. So, so excited for Vitro :D I just loved Jessica's first book, Origin, and I cannot wait to read more from her. <3 I wish it was January 14th 2014 already, though. Because I'm not sure I'll be able to wait that long for this book, hih :D I'm just so, so excited. And this cover is just really awesome! It's different and pretty, and I just love it. <3 And I love the summary :D What do you think?

On a remote island in the Pacific, Corpus scientists have taken test tube embryos and given them life. These beings--the Vitros--have knowledge and abilities most humans can only dream of. But they also have one enormous flaw.

Sophie Crue is determined to visit Skin Island and find her mother, a scientist who left Sophie behind years ago. She enlists hunky charter pilot Jim Julien to take her there. But once on the island, Sophie and Jim encounter more than they bargained for, including a charming, brilliant Vitro named Nicholas and an innocent, newly awoken one named Lux.

In a race for their lives, Sophie and Jim are about to discover what happens when science stretches too far beyond its reach.


  1. I LOVE IT. This book makes me so so so excited. It's right up my alley with that gorgeous cover and all the scientist stuff :D <3

  2. OOOH LALA. This book sounds very science-y, but very good. I actually haven't read ORIGIN yet, but I so need to! I love this cover, thanks for sharing, Carina!

  3. Ooooh, I like that! It looks like it fits the summary really well, too.

    Thanks for posting :)

  4. I absolutely love the cover. This cover alone tells me about the setting and what's bound to happen. Excellent!

  5. I LOVE the synopsis of this one and also the cover! GORGEOUS. I love the cover designers for Jessica Khoury's books!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. I haven't read Origin, but I came across this one a while back and have been looking forward to it ever since. Thanks so much for sharing the cover! I hadn't seen it yet. It's really great. :)

  7. I really liked Origin, so I'm dying to read this! Love the cover too, thanks for sharing :-)

  8. That's a cool cover! Thanks for sharing:)


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