
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #18

Top Ten Books On My Spring 2013 TBR list!

1. Of Poseidon by Anna Banks. I need to re-read this awesome book :) Excited to re-read it. Enjoyed it.
2. Of Triton by Anna Banks. Have had this ARC for a while, really, really excited to read it :) So pretty.
3. Altered by Jennifer Rush. Been wanting to read this forever. Hoping to read soon; seems amazing :)
4. Dare You To by Katie McGarry. Oh, this book seems so damn amazing. I really need to read it soon.
5. Poison Princess by Kresley Cole. Really want to read this one. So pretty. And I think it'll be amazing.
6. City of a Thousand Dolls by Miriam Forster. Really hoping to read this soon. It looks so amazing.
7. Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood. I think I will love this book. Really want to read it now :D
8. Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu. I need to read this. I really do. It seems so perfect. And heartbreaking.
9. Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta. This book seems so amazing. Reading it soon, I hope. <3
10. Furious by Jill Wolfson. Have an print arc of this book, really need to read it soon :) Seems great.

I have so many books to read. Way too many ;p But on my list this week I have added those that I know I will (might) read this spring, hopefully reading them all pretty soon :) What is on your list this week?   

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish :)  


  1. Carina amazing list of books, all I'd love to buy for my bookshelf LOL

    I'd like to also invite you to list your blog at YA Blogosphere it's a directory listing for all YA-related blogs. If your interested pls email me on

    Here's my Top Ten.

    Have a great week!

  2. Dare You To is on my list as well. I'd love to read Furious as well but I'll have to wait until it's released.

    My TTT

    Delirious About Books

  3. I just finished number 6 and it was amazing! A bit different from all those other YA fantasy out there but I really like it.

  4. Great list! I am curious about City of a Thousand Dolls, I hope to get around to it soon as well xD

    Here's my TTT =)

  5. I loved Born Wicked! Such a great story and the cover is amazing.
    I really want to read the sequel. I really need to reread some books as well.

    Nina@J'adore Happy Endings

  6. I enjoyed Altered quite a bit. Have City of a Thousand Dolls on my list too. Great list. I am going to have to look some of those up.

    Here is my list....


  7. Never read any of them. So thank you for sharing:) More books to my wish list:)

  8. You need to drop everything and read Poison now....and everything! It was my fave book last year! Paranormal + Dystopian + Bad Boy on a Motorcyle = Heaven!

    My TT

  9. Poison Princess is amazing! It was one of my favourite reads last year. I'm definitely going to have to reread it this year before the sequel comes out :D

    Books of Amber

  10. I love your list and book taste. I feel like I keep saying that, but it's just great that we have so many things in common. I'm especially excited about reading Breadcrumbs and City of a thousand dolls :D Poison princess, Born wicked, Furious and Of Poseidon are also high on my reading list.

    TTT -Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  11. yeay! so many amazing titles like Poison Princess and Furious! Can't wait to pick up those :D

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  12. Saving Francesca is SO good!! It was my first Melina Marchetta novel, and it's a great starter for reading her books!

    Great list.

    My Top Ten


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