
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Review: Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger

One of the things I love the most about this book is the gorgeous cover. It is simply breathtaking. I love it so much, and it couldn't have been better. And oh. The names. Vane and Audra. They are unique and special and I adore them. I have wanted Let the Sky Fall for so many months. And I must say that it was worth the wait. I loved it. And I need the next one right away. <3 Think the sequel will be amazing as well :)

You should also know that I totally adore the author, Shannon. She is the sweetest. And I love her other series; Keeper of the Lost Cities. <3 Amazing middle grade books. She is an amazing writer. And I just really love her :) So that was another reason for why I could not wait to read Let the Sky Fall. When it finally arrived, I had to read it right away. And I'm really glad I did :)

The plot in Let the Sky Fall is really unique. Don't think I have ever heard of a book like this before. And that is good. Because this book is special. And I loved that. It is about Windwalkers. Like Audra. Who can talk to the wind, tell it to do things. Like carry her on it. And attack people. And it is just all kinds of awesome. I loved reading and learning so many amazing things about it. I cannot remember all the names, though (A) But they are amazing.

This book centers around Audra and Vane. The book is from both point of views, one each chapter. I loved that. Loved getting to read from them both. That was great. And I enjoyed getting to know them both. Might have loved Vane the most, though (A) He's just amazing. Sweet and kind. But he's had kind of a hard life. Well, not that hard. He has his mom and dad, adoptive parents. I adored them. But oh. His parents were killed when he was 7, and he lost all his memories. Except the dream about this girl.

Then we meet Audra. I really liked her. She's strong and sweet. I loved her pet bird ;) Kind of, lol. But she is also broken. And that was pretty sad. But also pretty amazing. She's been all alone for the past ten years. Hunted by something she did when her dad died, and Vane's parents died. It was kind of awful. I loved it. But yeah. She has so much guilt locked up inside her. And it's kind of destroying her. That I did not like. Because it was sad. But also amazing, since it made sense. But yeah. I loved Audra :)

We learn a lot about Vane and Audra. Many things that I loved. A few things I disliked. Like Vane dating. That was kind of awful. Did not approve. But I also sort of loved it. And omg. That thing about a kiss. I loved that in this book so much. Amazing. Can't wait to learn more about it in book two :) Anyway. I loved the writing in this book. And the characters. Mostly we just get to see Vane and Audra, but I totally loved that. I even felt like we didn't get enough of them. I suppose that is a very good thing ;p

I'm not going to say more about the plot. Even though I haven't really said anything :D But we learn a lot about the wind. And I loved that. It was amazing to read about, and I cannot wait to learn more. There is some action scenes. I loved those too. And the end climax. It was pretty amazing. Then there is the romance. There isn't that many romantic scenes, but there is a love story. And I loved it. It's kind of forbidden, though, which I might have loved even more. It's just pretty perfect. I want so much more :)

There might have been a tiny thing I disliked I little bit. But only this tiny thing. And only a little bit :) I had a few issues with getting into the writing at first. And I'm not sure why. Because I love Shannon's writing. The one thing that bothered me a little bit was that Audra was trying so hard not to like Vane. That was a bit sad. But I also understood it so much, in a way, so I can't really dislike it at all ;p So yeah. I did not have anything about this book that I didn't love. Not really. And I just enjoyed it a whole lot.

I think you should read Let the Sky Fall as soon as you can. Because it is amazing. And I did love it. And I think you will too. Also, you need to own that gorgeous hardcover. Cause it is perfect. So, so perfect. Love. I'm super excited for book two, and I cannot wait for it to come out. I wished there had been a tiny bit more romance, but oh. There is tension. And I did love the little romance that there is. And yeah. It is awesome. And I just adored Vane and Audra so much. They are both so damn amazing.


  1. This I have read on several blog and it sounds so good. This I have to read sometime:) Love the cover:)

  2. I also really like the names! :) Especially Audra. I can't wait to read it and I'm happy you loved it so much!


  3. I am so glad you loved it so much! I was a bit hesitant in making any expectations for this book because I thought it would revolve too much on the romance which is something I don't enjoy in sci-fi/dystopian novels. Audra and Vane sound great, and I can tell that Vane dating is going to cause problems :P

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  4. Awesome review. I agree that this is a really unique story that I loved too.

  5. I have been seeing this book a lot lately and it had just been recently available on our local book stores. I think I'm going to buy a copy of this next week. Thanks for the lovely review, Carina. Audra and Vane sounds like fantastic characters. And I can see in this review how much you enjoyed and loved the book. :)

    Eunice @ Book Overdose

  6. Lovely review! I've been dying to read this one for ages. It sounds wonderful!

  7. Audra sounds sweet and a great character to read about. I have been wanting to read this one for a while, and love the cover.

    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  8. YAY!!! You loved it! I want to read this so bad - first I need to buy it but I was hoping it would be good. Great review. x

  9. I love the cover, too! I haven't read anything by Shannon- yet. But- I have this book and her MG series on her list. I am just trying to get through some books on my shelf before I borrow or buy any more books. :) This sounds awesome. Great review! I can't wait to read it!

  10. I'm glad you liked this! I'm starting to become increasingly wary of gorgeous covers, so it's nice to know that this book actually lives up to its wonderful exterior. I like the sound of the alternating points of view, too. Although I prefer a single point of view most of the mine, that sort of dual narrative usually works pretty well for me. Great review, Carina! :)

    1. <3 thank you sweetie :) Hih, yeah, I prefer single point of view too, but oh, how I love some books that have other point of views as well. <3

  11. This cover is just gorgeous! I can't wait to read this one and get my hands on that beautiful book. I cam across a lot of mixed reviews and I was starting to grow a tad apprehensive. But one glowing review and all my apprehension is flying away. Great review ,Carina. :)

    1. Yay! Thank you. <3 I really hope you will love it :D

  12. I just read and reviewed this myself and found that this book was amazing. I think I ended up enjoying it a bit more than you did but even though the build up to the end you found was too fast I thought it was all just so perfectly paced. I was suprised at just how invested I myself felt with Audra's and Vane's relationship before they had even shared their first kiss! Thanks for your honest thoughts though :)

    Lily @ Lilysbookblog


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