
Saturday, March 2, 2013

In My Mailbox #70

This has been a good week. For the most part. I only read one book, though, which I finished today, and didn't really enjoy :\ But hoping to read more now :D My abscess hole has gotten smaller, but it still isn't healed right, so this monday it's been four weeks :\ Getting so tired of it. But it will be finished soon :) Also! I have started packing up my room :) Everything is put into boxes, except my clothes. They start re-building the loft for me in a little over a week. <3 I cannot wait! Anyway. I did get lots of awesome books this week. At least I think so :) Okay, not that many books, but still :D I love it all very much.
What did you get this week?

The Croods. You have no idea how much I want to watch this movie. Seen so many amazing trailers and clips from it. Seems like it will be the best movie ever. Cannot wait :D And omg. These books are the most gorgeous things ever. Sigh. I love them all so much. They are all perfect! I love love love.
Disney / Wreck-It Ralph magazine. Sniffs. A bit damaged. Do not approve. But it is so amazing.
Howl's Moving Castle t-shirt :D Omg. This one is peeeerfect. I love love love it. So pretty and awesome.
Castle in the Sky cards. Sigh. These are so pretty. I love them. Studio Ghibli is so amazing. Love.
Spirited Away CD. Well. My second copy. I really needed another copy of this amazing CD. Love it.
Prophecy. I still don't know if I will like this book at all. But I wanted it. And I will try it sometime :)
Dualed. I tried 20 pages of this, then gave up :p But I think I will like it at a later time ;) So pretty.
Fever. Sigh. Gorgeous UK (?) paperback. I love it. Different than the others, and it is just so pretty ;p
Thumbelina. Gorgeous movie. Never seen it in English, but I hope I will like it in English too :)
Arthur Christmas. I loved this movie when I watched it ages ago. Finally own it ;) I love it so much.

Cave bed for my kitty :D So cute. Sigh. I cannot wait for April 22nd, when I'm going to go get her :D
The Croods. My god. I need this movie. Gorgeous, gorgeous books. I adore them all so much. Love.
Bridge to Terabithia. Won this via Me And Reading. <3 I love it! Seems so good, and it is so pretty.

I got accepted to read Legacy of the Clockwork Key via Edeweiss, and I'm hoping I will like it :) It do sound pretty great, but have seen that others haven't liked it much.. But I will hope that it's good ;p

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Omg, the cave bed is so cute! I'm sure your kitty will love it. ^^

  2. LOVE this Fever cover so much more than the others!!

    Enjoy reading them all ^^

    Read Into Hiding

  3. Prophecy looks really good, I can't wait to check it out! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week.

    My IMM

  4. Can't wait to read Dualed and start reading Lauren DeStefano! Great haul! Loved Arthur Christmas!

  5. I hope you enjoy Legacy of the Clockwork Key more than I did! I couldn't finish it myself. Dualed hasn't had the best reviews but I'm looking forward to seeing what you think if you pick it up again. Prophecy sounds pretty good. I love the cover! Enjoy. :)

  6. You need to post before and after pictures of your loft! Still an epic haul regardless of the absence of books. :)

    1. Oh, I will :D Just waiting to post it until it is finished, I think ;p lol, thank you <3

  7. great list of books!! tons of awesome books, I really want to read Dualed!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  8. OH I love the pretty red cover on Fever! I'm hoping to read that one soon. Great haul!

  9. Awesome stuff! Love Bridge to Terabithia :)

    Hope you enjoy everything!

  10. I LOVE Thumbelina <3 Such a fun movie.

    I can't wait to read Prophecy. I've heard a lot of mixed things about Dualed.. Such a shame, because it sounds so promising.

    Happy reading, enjoy your stuff :D!

    Haul - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  11. The cave bed is too cute! Love it! I have read Bridge to Terabithia, but haven't seen the movie yet. Enjoy! I hope Legacy is great! :)

  12. We have exactly the same bed for our cats! :D They love it! :)


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