
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Review: Reboot by Amy Tintera

This book was amazing. Been wanting it for a while, even though when I first saw it I didn't think it would be a book for me. But then I read the summary a second time, and I knew I needed to read it. Today I finally did. And oh. Reboot is an amazing book. Truly perfect. Cannot wait for the sequel. When I read the first few pages I wasn't sure if I would like it, if I liked the writing. But after those first few pages I was hooked :)

And I ended up loving the writing. The writing in this book is awesome. But oh. The plot in Reboot is amazing. Truly unique and perfect. I loved it a whole lot, and I never wanted this book to end. I found the characters to be amazing to read about as well. They were all done well. There is a lot of death in this book as well. A bit disturbing, but I loved it. Because it made sense.

I'm not sure how to describe this book. But I'll give it a go. You should start by reading the summary, though, because yeah, that one is pretty amazing and shares lots of info about the book, which I loved. There is so much happening in this book. So many awful heartbreaking things. But also a whole lot of sweet and sort of funny moments. I loved the sweet moments the most. But the awful things are amazing to read about too. Reboot have it all.

The plot centers around Reboots. Teenagers and children who have died and then risen again as a Reboot. When they rise again they are different. Stronger, better, faster. Wren is the main character, and she took forever to wake up. 178 minutes. So she's pretty amazing. It isn't that good to be under sixty, though. Bad things happen to them, plus they feel so much more than all the others. That was a bit sad and heartbreaking, but I also loved it, because it was so amazing and well done. Perfect.

This story is unique. And amazing. The Reboots are all being taken by the HARC to live in this closed up place, almost like a prison, although it felt more like a school. But they aren't allowed to leave. Or visit their families or something like that. When they die and Reboot they belong to the HARC. What they do for them is both awful and fascinating. Since they are kind of super humans they are used to pick up other people, murderers, sick people, etc. And kill a whole bunch of people. That happened a lot.

I just loved reading about the Reboots. I can't explain them more than that. Just that I loved reading about them. The training they did. I loved the world this was set in too. It's Dystopian, and amazing as well. There is so much to read about. The world is kind of destroyed. By this awful virus. And I loved it. This book is very unique, like nothing I have read before. And I loved that. There is an amazing romance as well, that I need more about in the second book. I cannot wait to read more about it all :)

The main character in this book is Wren, number 178. I loved reading about her. She's amazing. Well, okay, in the beginning she's very cold and unfeeling but I liked her then too. Since it took 178 minutes for her to Reboot after death she's a lot colder than other Reboots, and she feels less. They say so, at least. She's been at HARC for five years, since she was twelve. She's okay with being there, for the most part. But then Callum arrives, and it change her so much. For the better. I loved how much she changed.

One of the things I loved the most about Wren is how shy she is. Even though she appears to be so cold all the time. But she has feelings. And omg. I loved the way the showered, and they were even allowed to have sex. Wren didn't do that, though. Because she's afraid. People are afraid of her, but she's scared too. Because she has this big scar. It was awful. But perfect. She's just so broken and I adored her. But oh. Callum changes her so much. I loved their love story. It was amazing and so sweet. Also very real.

Callum is an amazing character. He's only a 22. So he's more human than the rest. With more feelings. So he's different. But oh. I loved that. He's just perfect. He's kind and loving and just all kinds of awesome. It isn't good to have the feelings he have there, though. It isn't good for his training. But he gets better. Sort of. I loved watching him and Wren train together. It was fun and sweet and painful at times too. But yeah. Callum and Wren is the perfect couple. I loved the romance between them so much.

We also get to know Wren's roommate, Ever. She was just amazing. A great friend to Wren, even though they didn't really start talking and hanging out until after Callum showed up. I didn't mind that, though. But oh. Something awful happens to her. The people of HARC are injecting something into her, and it's all kinds of awful. Won't say more than that. But it was so amazing to read about, and I loved it so much, because it was creepy as hell and so well written and unique and just all kinds of perfect.

Reboot is an amazing book. Full of action and mystery. It has an amazing romance. The most amazing world and characters. I loved this book. And I cannot wait to read the sequel. I want to read it right away, so hoping it will be out very soon, though I'm pretty sure I must wait until May 2014 :p Still. I will read and love it then. I'm so glad I read this book, and I know I will re-read it. You really need to read Reboot when it comes out, and if you have an ARC copy of it then you need to read it right away :)

Thank you so much to the publisher, HarperTeen, and Edelweiss for the chance to read and review this book early. <3 So glad I was able to read it early :) Although now I'm really dying for book two ;p

Goodreads - Pre-Order

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. I love how many times you said amazing in this review! I'm dying to read this. The cover is so simple yet so good. Though I'm happy to wait knowing there will be a book 2, as I hate waiting for sequels!

    1. <3 Hih, thank you :) Ah, I think you will love it :D Think you should read it before book two comes out, since it doesn't end with a cliffhanger :)

  2. ahhh i am dying to read this book!!!! must get it asap!

  3. oh wow you have got me so excited for this one! I dont tend to dwell much on synopsis's of books until I read a review or two but yours was perfect to get me excited for it. I really love this new concept of Reboots, and the whole technicalities (#178 and #22). It also seems like the author did well in terms of character depth because you wrote a ton about how much you like the female protagonist, the love interest, and even the roommate!

    great review, and thanks for really putting it on my radar!
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  4. Great review Carina! I can tell you really, really loved this one!

  5. Ooh I'm glad you reviewed this! I've been looking forward to reading it for a while now so it's nice to see that you loved it. I'm glad to hear that the romance has your seal of approval. ;) And I'm sometimes okay with bleak and heartbreaking scenes if there are enough lighter and sweeter ones to balance them out. It sounds like there are here. :)

    Great review, Carina! I'm really eager to get started on my copy now.

  6. Ren sounds like a great character to read about, I like it when characters develop and make us change our original impression.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  7. Glad you loved this one so much. It does sound unique and interesting. I wasn't sure what it was about- so I am happy you reviewed it. Thanks for sharing!


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