
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Review: The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa

This book is evil. Perfect, but evil. I have waited so long for it, and I'm so glad that I finally got to read it :) But oh. I doubt I'll survive the wait for the third book. More than a year from now, I suppose. I won't make it. Because while The Eternity Cure is perfect, it also ends so so bad. The ending is pure evil. I might have loved it a tiny bit. But oh. It is so much heartbreak and it's killing me. It is just too cruel and awful and so amazing. Sobs.

I loved The Immortal Rules so much. The Eternity Cure is just as good as the first book. More heartbreaking. I just love the writing a whole lot, and the plot is just very unique. It's about vampires, yes, but they are different. And oh. I loved reading about them. Allie is just amazing. And kind of adored Kanin and Jackal too. Kind of. But Zeke. Zeke I loved. More than anything.

I don't know how to write this review. I don't know how to tell you all how much I loved this book. How much I hurt because of the ending. Will try my best. Be aware that there might be a few spoilers for the first book, though :) The Eternity Cure starts where The Immortal Rules ended. Kind of. Four months have gone by since Allie left Eden alone to go hunting for Kanin and Sarren. I kind of disliked that so much time passed.. But what happened later kind of made up for that a lot. In the beginning of this book we get to see Allie traveling a lot, trying to find Kanin via the blood link that they share. I liked that a lot. Though the dreams Allie got were awful.

While Allie is looking for Kanin she ends up finding Jackal first, her blood brother. I still hate him. She does too. But he was kind of amazing too. Not a romantic interest. Thank god. There is not a love triangle in this book at all. Loved that. Anyway. The plot in this book is amazing. I loved it all. I loved reading about the new virus.. Even though it was so awful. We got to see it up close a few times. But it was amazing. I also loved reading about the Mole men. They were pretty awesome too. But evil as well.

Not going to say anything else about the plot. Just that a lot of things happen. A whole lot of things. Sad things. A few happy moments that I loved. But mostly heartbreaking things. And I loved them all. But yes. The Eternity Cure is a sad book. Missed Zeke for the first one hundred pages, but I still loved those pages. Because I do adore Allie as a main character. She's amazing. Strong, kind and loving. Protective too. Disapproved of a few things that she did, but I understood her, and I still loved her so much.

We get to know a bit more Kanin in this book. And I loved that. He is kind of an awful person, he has done so many bad things. But I'm not sure if I hate him for it. Because he is trying to make it better, and I kind of adored him. And Allie does too. He's like her father. Kind of. So yeah. I did like reading about him. I'm still unsure about Jackal. He has done so many bad things. How he killed Zeke's family. But he's also kind of nice in this book. For a little while, at least. Guess I'll see in the next book :)

My favorite character in this book was Zeke. He is just perfect. Loved him in the first book, even more in this one. He's just so good. And kind and just all kinds of awesome. He's a bit angry when we first see him, but I don't blame him for that. Jackal did kill a whole lot of his family, like his father, Jeb. So Zeke does have a bit of hate towards Jackal. Do not blame him at all. So he is a bit angry at Allie too, when she shows up with him. Ugh. But yeah. That changes fast. Because oh. He loves Allie so much. Sniffs.

The romance in this book is amazing. It's more than it was in the first book. I think. There is more kissing, at least ;) And I loved that. There is a little doubt and hurt at first, but it is so perfect after that. Allie and Zeke are just perfect together. And I need them to be together forever.. Sniffs. They haven't had nearly enough time together. Or happy times. I need some happy times. But oh. The love between them is so amazing. It's just real. And Zeke would do anything for her. He is just perfect. Love.

We also get to see another character again in this book.. Stick. And oh my god. How I hated him. My hate grew for every scene that he was in. Even the scene near the end wasn't awful enough. I very much wanted Stick to die an awful death. Hopefully by Jackal's hands. But yeah. I did like how it ended. Kind of. Maybe. Unsure if it really was the end. Then there is Prince Salazar. He was kind of awful and cruel too. At least to some people. I didn't like him much, but didn't really hate him either. Think that's good.

The villain in this book is Sarren. I found him to be awful in the first book. He's worse in this one. Really, really worse. My god. How he could be that way I have no idea.. Shudders. He did so many awful things. And omg. What he did at the end. Heartbreaks. Sobs. Dies. But oh. He really is a perfect villain, and I kind of loved reading about him, because he made this series more interesting and amazing :) But yeah. I wish I could undo that last scene with him.. It is just too cruel and heartbreaking. And perfect.

Think I've said enough about this book now :D I think. I want to talk about the ending. The awful heartbreaking perfect ending. But I won't. Because it is so so so spoilery. But yeah. Biggest wish for book three? That it will all be okay. That the ending of The Eternity Cure will get fixed. That it won't be that bad. I'm going to hope that. But oh. It is just so awful. And it just broke my heart. It made me cry. But it was also perfect, even though it was so heartbreaking. I think book three will be epic. Can't wait.

The Eternity Cure is an amazing book. Perfect characters, the most unique and special plot. The writing is stunning too. Everything in this book was just amazing. And I loved it all. Wish it had never ended, but it did make me so much more excited for book three. I need to know everything. About the cure. About Zeke. And Allie. And just everything. Sobs. I need it right away. Will be re-reading both books when I get my hardcover of this in April. Can't wait to read it again. And you need to read it as well.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Harlequin, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book early. <3 So happy that I got to read it already. Thank you Julie for writing such a perfect book :)


  1. Noo! Not Stick! I couldn't stand him in the first book. Ugh. I'm glad we get to find out a little more about Kanin, though. But I'm a little scared to read this now because of your reaction to the ending. It's cliffhanger-y? :( I hope it doesn't bother me too much!

    Lovely review, Carina. I'm reading this book soon-ish. :)

  2. I need to read the first book! Like everyone is reading this one and I feel behind! Now if the ending is awful I might need to wait till the third book is out! I loved Kagawas Iron Fey series and I think she will do vampires well :). Awesome review!


  3. I didn't like Stick. I did love Kanin! I'm looking forward to get to know more about him :) I also loved Zeke and of course Allie. Sarren is the perfect bad guy.



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