
Saturday, February 23, 2013

In My Mailbox #69

I might have gotten tons of things this week too. Agh. I need to stop spending all my money! lol :) I will soon, though, since they start building to me in less than two weeks. And in less than 8 weeks I'm getting my beautiful baby girl cat :D I cannot wait for that. <3 Sigh. (Won't be any money left for books and other things then.. Oh, well.) But anyway. I did get lots of awesome things this book. Lots of great books :D And I read a whole lot too. Lots of new reviews posted :) I also got my last ever package from Disney Store US. They managed to fuck it up like usual, so have to email them later when I get my taxes bill that I wasn't supposed to get at all :\ Yeah. They better fix it. Ugh. But anyway. I loved what I got :) Update: I totally forgot to mention my crappy form. On Monday it's been THREE weeks since they cut open my abscess, and I still have to go change bandage every damn day :( I'm so sick of it, because the bandage is itching every moment, and it sort of hurts to change it.. I just want to be done with it all. And hopefully I will be early next week :) I hope. Sigh. Anyway. It hurts less, but it still hurts :\
What did you get this week?

Sever. Beautiful UK paperback edition. I wonder why I didn't pre-order it o.O But now I have it. <3
Beautiful Creatures Manga. This manga is all kinds of gorgeous. I love this paperback book :)
Meant To Be. Lots of people loved this book. I hope I will too. It does look really sweet, at least ;p
Echo. I have the first book, Fated, and I have decided that I will love it, so I bought the sequel too :)
The Diviners. Ah. This paperback copy is really pretty. I love it. And I loved this book. Sequel soon?
Prodigy. Well. I pre-ordered lots of copies, but this is the same pbk; I now have three :\ Still, pretty.
ParaNorman. I kind of loved this movie. So I needed it on blu-ray :) Isn't it pretty? Sigh. I love it.
On The Road. I still haven't seen this movie (A) Soon, though, I hope. This CD looks awesome though :)

Wreck-It Ralph Sticker Scenes. Ah. Two copies. This is just gorgeous! I love all the stickers :) Perfect.
The Croods. Oh, I need to see this movie. NOW PLEASE! I need it. This is very damaged, though :\
Prodigy. Heh. Another one :D This is a weird copy. Weird writing; big letters. But I kind of adore it.
Wreck-It Ralph Book of the Film. Ah. Yeah. I do love this little book. I need to read it, though :) Pretty.
Fuse. I still haven't read Pure. But I own it, and these books are just so damn pretty. Reading soon ;p
After. I still don't get why I didn't buy it when it came out.. But now I have it, and I will read it one day :)
Shards & Ashes. Not sure when I will read this one, but it seems amazing :) Hardcover & paperback. <3
The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy. Ah, this MG book seems PERFECT. Cannot wait to read :D
Cracked Up To Be. I adore Courtney. <3 I need to read all her books. This one seems pretty amazing :)
Saving June. Cannot wait to read this book. Lots of people loved it, and I do think it sounds awesome.
Nobody But Us. I'm unsure about this. Seems perfect. But I know it's full of heartbreak.. Reading soon :)

Ahh. Some Disney Store things. <3 Love. The 8 Wreck-It Ralph smelly plushes that I was missing :D I have to from before. <3 Now I have them all. They smell so good, and they are all so so pretty. And I was missing four of the amazing racer cars. Now I have them all :D They are gorgeous. Plus two other different racers that I bought here in Norway. <3 I love them. And two Ralph figures from Norway too :D

Peter Pan figures. Aren't they gorgeous? I love them. Where's My Water ball. Ahh! He is gorgeous! I love it :D So pretty and amazing. Angry Birds plush. Oh, he is perfect. I love him so so much :) So fluffy.

Monsters Inc Figures. These are just gorgeous. I love this movie a whole lot. It is perfect.

Boo doll. SHE IS PERFECT! So so pretty, and I love the sounds she makes. She is adorable. I love her.
Nana plush. From Peter Pan <3 She is gorgeous. I love her so much. She is just so so perfect.
Randall plush. He is a bit creepy. But I love him. Doesn't he look totally awesome, though? :D

I got some amazing eARCs this week too. <3 Sigh. I got accepted for The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa via Australia on NetGalley :D Read it right away, and I loved it. <3 Also got accepted for Doll Bones by Holly Black; which I also read right away :) And I got accepted for Mortal Fire and Love in the Time of Global Warming. Both books sounds awesome. Hoping to read them soon :D I'm confused about The Flame in the Mist. Last night it said Declined. Today it says Accepted. But when I click the link I don't see any download button :\ but hoping it will show up, since I really want to read this book :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Awesome haul. I just got accepted for The Runaway King. Can't wait to read it.

  2. I can't wait to watch Paranormal! I saw Frankenweenie recently and I totally loved it :D I saw the trailer from The Croods yesterday, looks awesome! I like how we have the same taste in movies :D

    Meant to be looks cute and I want to read Fated. I love the covers :) After and Shards & Ashes look great. I really want to get accepted for The flame in the mist! I highlighted it a while ago as WoW. It reminds me of one of my favorite authors, Juliet Marillier.

    Happy reading and enjoy all the great Disney figures you got :D How are you feeling? Such a fun you get a baby cat!


    1. :D Love that we have the same taste in movies and books. <3 I loved Frankenweenie too :D It was so cute but also so sad. Ahh, hope you do get accepted :) The Flame in the Mist seems so so good :)

      Thank you so much sweetie. <3 I totally forgot to mention my crappy form. On Monday it's been THREE weeks since they cut open my abscess, and I still have to go change bandage every damn day :( I'm so sick of it, because the bandage is itching every moment, and it sort of hurts to change it.. I just want to be done with it all. And hopefully I will be early next week :) I hope. Sigh. Anyway. It hurts less, but it still hurts :\

  3. Nice haul! Enjoy. :)
    I have to buy Echo as well, I loved Fated! :)
    And I just requested Doll Bones, it sounds amazing! :)

  4. OH! I really want to read Nobody But Us and Cracked Up To Be!

    Saving June and Meant to Be are both fantastic so I hope you end up enjoying them. :)

  5. Look at all the books and goodies that you got! WOW! Doll Bones looks fascinating. I love the cover for Mortal Fire! Happy reading!

  6. You are lucky:) I really want to read Meant to be. Looks so great and love the cover:)

  7. so many awesome books!! Prodigy was great and so was meant to be. and OMG THOSE DOLLS ARE SO CUTE!!!!

    awesome book/toy haul ;)

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  8. Fantastic haul. So many books, I'm heading to NetGalley now to request Doll Bones and Mortal Fire, they look really good and their covers are great too. Happy reading.

    Katie ~ My Mailbox

  9. Amazing haul! Love the little action figures. ^^And the cover or Meant to Be is so cute!

  10. eek! More copies of Sever! I still need to read it! I shall get to it next! Enjoy all the things in your new haul!

    My Haul! Letterbox Love!


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