
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Book Recommendation: Fever by Lauren DeStefano

I'm pretty sure I loved Fever even more this time when I read it. Been a year since the first time, and I'm so happy I read it again before starting the final book, Sever. Because Fever is amazing. It's a perfect sequel to Wither, and it's just so good. The writing is perfect. Better too. And the characters is just amazing. Perfect and evil and broken. And oh! The world building. So great. We learned a few more things in this book, and I just loved reading about the virus that kills women at age 20, men at age 25.

Fever starts right where Wither ended. So spoilers ahead. Rhine and Gabriel have escaped the mansion, and is now headed for New York to find Rhine's twin brother, Rowan. She's happy. Because she's finally free, and Gabriel too. And sigh. I just loved that it was just the two of them. They are just adorable together. But oh. Things are not going well. They haven't been free for even a day before they are taken again, by different people. They are taken to a carnival, that is run by this old woman called Madame.

I'm not sure what to call this place. Sort of a prison, I think. Where there are tons of girls being sold as whores. Kind of. I'm still confused, because it seemed like a lot of them liked it there. Maybe. I just thought it seemed awful there, but also not that bad. Except for the fact that Madame was a tiny bit crazy. And cruel. But oh. We got to meet Lilac and Maddie, and they were amazing. I loved Maddie. She's a malformed little girl who doesn't speak. And yeah. I adored her. I did sort of like the carnival.

But then. They are drugging Gabriel. And he's hurting and having nightmares. When he finally awakes from that, he and Rhine is sort of used in this carnival. As the love birds. It was sick. But I also loved it, because, yeah, Rhine and Gabriel really should be together. <3 There isn't much of Linden in this book. Thank god. Difference between Rhine's relationship with them, is that when she kisses Gabriel she wants more. And I'm very, very sure that she loves him. He at least loves her so much. He's so sweet.

There is a lot of things happening in this book. We get to see New York, and I must admit it seemed like an awful place, and I can't really imagine Rhine or Gabriel living there. Seemed so dirty and such. We get to see an orphanage, which I loved, because Claire was amazing. I kind of liked Silas. Was worried about him at first, but he was sweet, to be honest. And I just adored Maddie. We get to see Rhine's home. And sobs. That was a bit heartbreaking. And we do not get to see Rowan in this book.

I'm unsure how I feel about him. Rhine's twin brother. I get that she loves him. And he does seem amazing. But, I also don't get the feeling that he is very kind. I keep picturing him as an asshole, who's not afraid to hurt someone. I might be wrong. I hope I am. But yeah. I'm starting to picture that :p But even so. I am excited to get to know him a bit, and I'm hoping we'll get to see that in book three. At least in will make Rhine happy. Well, it better make her happy. Loved learning more about her parents.

We also get more of Vaughn.. Ugh. I hate him so much. He's done so many awful things. Even more awful in this book. And holy crap. Those last fifty pages.. They were heartbreaking and painful and sobs. They were awful. But so amazing. I loved reading it all. But yeah. Vaughn is a perfect villain. We see more of Cecily. And I'm still unsure about her. She's selfish. But I kind of love her, still. And Linden. I still don't like him much. I really truly don't. Please, no more romance between him and Rhine. Please?

Anyway. There is a lot of things happening in this book. And the title, Fever, plays a huge part in this book, to be honest. I loved reading it all. But oh, this book is heartbreaking. There is also romance, though. Between Rhine and Gabriel. And I loved that so much. I just want them to be together and be happy. Sniffs. Although, there should have been a bit more romance.. But yeah, I loved the little romance that were. Because it is just so obvious that Gabriel loves Rhine. She better love him too.

Fever is an amazing book. You really need to read it if you have read Wither. Now I will be reading Sever, finally. <3 And I cannot wait! I'm hoping it will be perfect, which I think it will be. Just so, so excited, but also worried, because I'm pretty sure there won't be a lot of Gabriel in it. Sigh. Anyway. I loved Fever. It's an amazing sequel. I loved reading more about Rhine and Gabriel and just everyone and everything. But yeah. The things happening before the ending.. They were evil. And so very perfect.

Teaser that I love.

This is the freedom I craved throughout my marriage. To share a bed not because of a wedding ring 
or a one-sided promise that was made for me, but because of desire. Inexplicable yet undeniable. 
I have never craved closeness like this for anyone else.

My Book Recommendation of Wither. My review of Seeds of Wither. My very, very old review of Fever.


  1. Gabriel was one of the reasons I decided to buy a copy of this, but (surprise, surprise) I haven't actually read it yet! You definitely make me want to though, as it sounds like Rhine and Gabriel get more time together. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Sever! :)

    1. lol :) You really need to read it. Because Gabriel is in this book a lot, thank god ;D And oh. I just adore Gabriel. <3

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