
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cover Reveal: The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

Today I'm blogging about the cover reveal of Retribution by Michelle Hodkin, just in case you still haven't seen it :D I am in love. The Retribution of Mara Dyer is book three in this amazing series starting with The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and The Evolution of Mara Dyer. I love this series. It is just perfect. Mara is amazing. Noah is adorable. And the story is perfect. I'm dying for this third book. So glad there won't be ARCs, since I never seem to get those (A) It is coming out on October 22nd. I may die waiting. But still, I cannot wait! Book two ends so bad. I need to know what happens next :) Think it will be amazing.
What do you think of the cover? I think it is gorgeous. Fits so well with the first two. Best covers. <3


  1. I love this cover! I love them all actually, and I've only just noticed that they're wearing the same clothes in each one. :P I enjoyed the first book a lot, but haven't read the second yet. I will have to before #3 comes out!

  2. I love the cover, so beautiful:)

  3. I just love these covers... they look so incredibly pretty together. :D And yay! Book #3 will come out one day before my birthday. ♥

  4. Love the covers! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I'm in love with the covers too!! They follow the same underwater mystery theme and I like how the colours evolve and THAT FONT!! LOVE IT <3 I haven't started on the series and I really should now that all the books are going to be out and I can read them all at one goal (muahaha) :D

    Alicia @ Book a World

  6. wow. THose covers are breath-taking (and not because they're all under water) :D

  7. They look so pretty together! :) I also love the water theme <3


  8. Aren't Mara & Noah insanely hot?! I looove this series and the book covers SO MUCH! Thank you for sharing:)

  9. I love all of the covers! I have this series on my TBR list. I hope to get started with them soon. :) Thanks for sharing.


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