
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Book Recommendation: Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

I first read this book a year ago. At that time I didn't love it very much. Gave it a four star. But I still enjoyed it very much, and I couldn't wait for the sequel. I still can't. Starting it very, very soon. Anyway. I knew I needed to re-read Under the Never Sky before starting Through the Ever Night. And now I finally found the courage to do so. I'm so happy I did! I loved this book so much more this time. Loved it so much I'm changing my rating to a five star. It was just amazing this time. I'm so glad I read it again.

I'm recommending you this book because it's amazing. And I really think you should all read it right away, especially now that the sequel is coming out as well. This book recommendation post will mostly be a long review, since I don't want to share any quotes, because I feel they will spoil things, considering all my favorite quotes are spoilery things. But yeah. This will still be awesome, I think. Anyway. Time to start talking about all the things I loved and kind of disliked about this book. Might take some time.

Reading my very old review of this book I see that I didn't like the writing in the beginning of the book. Not sure why I didn't. Cause now when I read it I really liked the writing. Must be because a year ago I hadn't read that many books, and since then I have read more than one hundred and fifty books. I very much liked the writing in this book. I seemed to enjoy everything this time when I read it. Well, okay, I still didn't like that part near the end. Didn't approve of it at all. But hopefully better in book two :)

The story in this book is amazing. It centers around the main girl, Aria, and the main boy Perry. This book is from their point of view. And I loved that so much. Loved getting to know them both through their mind. It was awesome. Might have liked Perry a tiny bit more, like I always seem to do, but yeah. I don't mind that at all. I also liked all the other characters in this book as well. And the story. So many amazing things happen. And it's unique and special and I loved every part of it. It can only be better.

We first get to know Aria a bit. She lives in this Pod called Reverie, underground. We don't see her there at all. Which was kind of good, to be honest. We get to see a few of her friends. But not for long, which was also good but sad. This book start with her doing some stupid things with her friends, ending up with her getting kicked out of her home, into the wild, aka the "Death Shop." She hates it. She's scared and waiting to die, because that's all she has heard about happening outside of the pods. 

On the inside she has a mother. But she got sent out on work weeks ago, and she lost contact with her a week ago. So she's worried about that as well. Everyone living in this place has this thing called a Smarteye. It's this device they put in their eye that lets them enter Realms and do all kinds of things. It's like living a life in your head, you can swim, dance, everything. But it isn't real. Which is why I didn't like it at all. Didn't seem like a life at all. Even though it did sound amazing, think I would have liked it.

This is were we meet Perry. Okay, we see him a little bit before that, but I don't want to spoil everything. Perry is amazing. He's kind and sweet and loving. Even though in the beginning he's kind of an asshole. But I didn't mind that at all. And I understood why he was like that. Aria and her people call him a Savage, all the people living on the outside. He kind of is. And I loved that. He's strong and quite good looking even with all his scars and bumps. He has blond hair and green eyes. Swoon.

I also liked Aria. Which was kind of awesome, to be honest. She and Perry is doing a lot of wandering in this book. And I liked them together so much. Thought she would do a lot of complaining, but she didn't, thank god. I liked her a lot. She's sweet. A bit dumb at times, but I liked that. She and Perry works well together. Even if they do argue a lot and don't seem to like each other much in the beginning. But I liked that a lot. It was real and honest. A bit brutal, which I wanted more of ;p Because yeah. I like that a lot.

I loved getting to know them both. Getting to learn new things when Aria learned them. And when Perry did. Perry lives on the outside with his tribe, if you can call them that. I think it's the right word. Maybe. Anyway. He lives with his brother and his nephew. His brother is the Blood Lord of the people. Perry loves him, but he sees that he's doing so many things wrong and it's kind of killing him. Plus, Talon, his nephew, is dying. And it's all just so heartbreaking. But I loved reading about them all. I really did.

I won't say much more about the plot. I don't want to spoil more. Hih. But yeah. This book is amazing. The story is so good. And something is always happening at all times, something new and exciting. Loved so much. Then there is the Aether. Which I loved reading about. It's just so unique and exciting and scary. It kills a lot of people and earth. And it's so cool. Cannot wait to read more about it! Sigh. This book is so amazing. So many things to learn and read about. I never got tired of it, at all.

Then there is the other characters in this book. We get to meet this boy named Cinder. I adored him. He was a bit scary, though. And I felt so sorry for him. Sniffs. But he was amazing. Can't wait to read more about him. Then there is Roar. I didn't like him the first time I read this book. But I did now. Cause he and Aria is just friends. NOTHING more. Better never be nothing more. I would hate it so much. Anyway. He's kind of awesome. I liked that he was in love with Liv. But also so heartbreaking.

There is many other characters. That I loved, and hated. But I loved reading about them all. Something I didn't mention yet is that the people living on the outside also have gifts. Well, some of them have. Like Perry and Roar and Cinder. And it was amazing. I cannot wait to learn more about those gifts. Anyway. The ending of this book is amazing. But I hated something about it as well. Won't spoil it, but yeah. I disliked it a lot. But not as much as I did the first time I read this book, so that's good.

Anyway. I think I have said enough about Under the Never Sky. I hope. I just loved this book so much. I loved the characters. And the story. And oh! The romance. There is romance in this book between Aria and Perry. And it is amazing. So sweet and real. Wish it had been even more, but yeah. I was very happy with what we did get of it. So yeah. Romance was awesome. And the writing. You really must read Under the Never Sky. It's an amazing book not to be missed by anyone. So yeah. Buy it! Read it.

My first and very bad review of Under the Never Sky. Where to buy it. Veronica Rossi.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, the January edition of Books You Loved is open for entries. Here is the link Books You Loved January Edition Please do pop by and link in a post about a book/s you loved. Maybe this post? Cheers


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