
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Book Recommendation: A Million Suns by Beth Revis

I had forgotten how much I love these books. This series by Beth is amazing. The writing is just so good. And the characters. They are amazing. And the story is so unique and special and I just love it so, so much. This book is just amazing. Just as good as the first one. Maybe. Still unsure which one I loved the most. But I'm pretty sure I will love Shades of Earth even more. I cannot wait. A Million Suns is an amazing sequel. But, this rec will contain spoilers from the first book. Just so you are aware of that :)

Like I mentioned when I wrote about Across the Universe, the covers for these two first books are stunning. A Million Suns even more so. It is perfect. I adore it so much. Gorgeous colors. Pretty. Yeah. I adore these covers. I might understand the reason for new covers for the last book. Maybe. Since this cover does spoil a lot about the book, but really, it isn't that big of a deal. And I do wish they hadn't changed them, but I can live with it, since the new covers aren't all that bad :) They are very pretty.

A Million Suns starts three months after the first book. Eldest is dead, and Orion is frozen. Elder is now the leader. But things aren't going well at all. Because the 2,000 people are not on Phydus anymore. And it's making them all kinds of crazy. They are normal, but they are rebelling against Elder. They don't want him as their leader. And oh. It just broke my heart so much. Because Elder is really trying. And he cares so much. But they are just hating it all, and I am very heartbroken about it. Elder deserves more.

Especially since Amy is so distant towards Elder. I mean, yes, I get that she's upset about learning the he was the one who unplugged her. But still. He really cares for her, and just want her to be happy. But oh. She keeps so many secrets from him. And she keeps shying away, and it just made me so sad for Elder. But yeah. I still loved Amy very, very much :) And Elder even more. There is a lot of drama in this book. About everything. And I loved it. Every part of it. Okay, I disliked one thing that happens at the ending.

There is so many new characters in this book. Many old ones as well. Like Victria and Luthor. I kind of liked Victria. She seemed sweet. And broken. I kind of adored her. But oh. How I hated Luthor! He was an asshole in book one and now in book two. But I need to know what happened to him near the end. I must know. Anyway. I loved reading about all the different characters. But so much death. We learned a lot more about Orion as well. Unsure how I feel about him. Might feel the same as Elder about it all.

There is lots of death in this book. Tons of lies and betrayals. It is also full of mystery, like the first one. Lots of clues to figure out. And I did like it all. I just.. I wished Elder and Amy were together more in this book. It's like they were always apart. And that bothered me very much. Hoping it won't be like that in the third one. Really hope it won't be like that. But oh. How I loved these characters and this story. Everything is so good. So well written, and it's just so amazing. Everything about it is amazing.

There isn't really much more that I should say about this sequel. I don't want to spoil anything. But yeah. We learn some important things about Godspeed, and the new planet they are trying to reach. I loved learning it all. We learn a lot in this book. I just loved Elder so much, and I wished other people did too. There are some surprises in this book as well. And I loved that. Once I started re-reading it, I could not stop at all. I had to finish it right away. And I did. And I loved it even more this time when I read it.

I might have been a bit sad that there weren't much romance in this book. But yeah. Elder still loves Amy so much. He cares a whole lot about her. I adored it. Amy knows that he adores her. But she's so unsure. I hated some things she said to him. She was just very cruel a few times. And it just about killed me. I might have understood her a tiny bit, but still. It hurt. She knows a bit more by the end, though. And there is a bit kissing in this book. And it's sweet and perfect and I need more and more.

I don't know what else to say. I adored Elder. He just gets more and more adorable. I even like Amy. Didn't like how she treated Elder at times, but I adored her, still. I am upset that she took so long to tell him about Luthe, though. That was not okay. The writing in A Million Suns is so good. And the characters are so amazing. And the story. Sigh. Everything is perfect. And horrible at times. And I loved every part of it. And oh my. Elder is just perfect! He's just adorable. So kind and sweet and strong

A Million Suns is a book you must read after having read Across the Universe. It really is. You cannot miss this sequel. But yeah. The ending is cruel. Can't belive I have survived a whole year waiting for the sequel. But now it's almost here! Please let me get it in a few days. I need to read it right away. So, so excited. I'm pretty sure Shades of Earth will be even more perfect! I'm so excited. Because there are so many more things we need to know. And I just need more of Elder and Amy together :) Really together.

My old review of A Million Suns. Book Depository. Beth Revis.
My Book Recommendation of Across the Universe.


  1. I must read this series! I have been curious about them since I first heard about them. Awesome covers and your reviews are excellent!

  2. This book really was incredible - Beth Revis is one talented writer! I'm so excited for Shades of Earth!

  3. I've read Across the universe, but not this one. I must read this book sometime, looks great:)

  4. While I had a pretty good idea how things were going to end up before I got up to the climactic ending wow I still found it an exciting read and the cliffhanger was fantastic. I truly love this series and if you like a good science fiction then you wont be disappointed by this trilogy thus far!
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