
Saturday, December 1, 2012

In My Mailbox #57

So, yeah. I did not get a lot in my mailbox this week. Even though I got MORE than I have ever gotten. lol. Got most of my stuff from Disney Store this week :D I am in love with it all. But, I won't share it all right now, because it is a lot of work taking pictures of it all :p So I'm going to wait until everything has arrived :) Still missing a few packages ;p But I did get something amazing this week. AN ARC OF SCARLET!! It was the best thing to get in my mail this year. Or years. It is perfect. Such a great book. Looks so pretty, too. First ARC that I have gotten. <3 Sigh. I love it so much. I only read Scarlet this week. I just haven't wanted to read anything lately :\ Just books I don't own. Hih.
What did you get this week?

SCARLET! Ahh. This book was so perfect. I love it so much. Thank you so, so much Macmillan. <3 They are amazing. Truly. And I adore Marissa as well :) Check out my review of Scarlet here.

Hotell Transylvania. Since the first one I got from Amazon was destroyed, I got a new one. Perfect. <3
Monstrous Beauty. Got this from Macmillan :D Since I was a part of the Blog Tour. <3 Sigh. I love it :)
Level 2 Postcard. SIGNED :D Ahh. I love this one! Cannot wait to read Level 2. Won from Sarah. <3
The Sky Crawlers. Bought a few books via ;) They do seem pretty awesome. Also, cheap :)
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Think they will be awesome. But their covers are also damaged :\
Origin. This one seems most awesome, to be honest :D But it has also the most damaged cover :(
Ice Age 4. I did love this movie. The first one will always be my favorite, but they are all amazing :)
Monsters Inc. Gorgeous little book. Figure and book and magnets. They are gorgeous. Love :)
Puss. Hih. He's adorable. Smurf. So cute. Angry Bird.  Love him. iPhone 5. Few things for my iPhone :)

Breaking Dawn Bella wedding barbie. This one is gorgeous. I adore it. Sigh.
Beautiful Creatures movie-tie-in. First one was damaged. This is perfect.

A peek at what I got from Disney Store! Vanellope and Taffyta from Wreck-It Ralph. <3 I love them so much. They are gorgeous. So adorable. They even talk! So pretty. THEY ARE PERFECT!

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren


  1. It looks like you got a lot of cool stuff in the mail! I really want to read Scarlet! :)

  2. WOAH @_@ Scarlet that is so Awesome!! I lobed Beautiful Creatures and I def need to buy my own copy soon. OMG Vanellope and Taffyta look so cute!!! I should buy ones too ^_^

    -Keep on rocking Carina,
    Lizzy @ Read-A-holicZ [My StS]

  3. Scarlet! (L) Your first ARC, wow, how memorable that it's such a fantastic book! I always love your hauls! You get amazing other stuff beside books. Happy reading and enjoy the things you got. Can't wait to see the other part of this haul.


  4. Wow! So glad you got Scarlet and you loved it! Happy for you! <3 <3

  5. OMG I'm so jealous of your Scarlet ARC! Enjoy reading it! :D

    My IMM

  6. OMG you have Scarlet, so jealous. Can't wait to read your thoughts. Please come and stop by My Mailbox

  7. Oh my gosh! Scarlet! You are one lucky book blogger! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

    Check Out My New Books!

  8. How did you get Scarlet? I hate that publishers don't send ARC to people outside the States.

    HERE is what I got.
    Zemira @ YA Fanatic

  9. Yay for Scarlet!! I need to read Monstrous Beauty---I've heard it's really good!

  10. I'm so happy to see you have Scarlet! I know how much you wanted it. :) Monstrous Beauty has the most stunning cover. I never did get myself a finished copy in the end, so I definitely need to do that! Awesome haul, Carina. :)

    1. <3 thank you so much :) And yes yes. Monstrous Beauty is so pretty <3 I love it so much :) You must get a final copy of it! :)

  11. So jealous of those that got Scarlett, Enjoy the book. Great haul. Come visit me as well.


  12. Ahhh...Scarlet. I have to read my copy soon. You always have interesting stuff on your weekly haul. :) Anyway, enjoy your toys...and books! :)


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