
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Review: Quintana of Charyn by Melina Marchetta + Blog Tour & Giveaway!

Quintana Blog Tour

There are books that you cannot forget. Books that will always have a special place in your heart. The Lumatere Chronicles are those books. Finnikin of the Rock. Froi of the Exiles. Quintana of Charyn. All three amazing. All three heartbreaking. With the most perfect writing. I will never forget any of these books. Cannot wait to won all three in hardcover :) They are just precious. And I know I will read them again. Probably soon.

I cannot describe my feelings for these books. They seriously is some of the best books I have read. Ever. The writing is so perfect. The characters are all amazing and loveable. And the story. Sigh. I cannot even tell you how perfect the story is. I adore Fantasy books. They are the best. And this series could not have been better. Just really wish for a fourth book ;p

I will not be spoiling any of the plot in my review. Probably not the plot of the first two books either. It's just too complicated, and too much, and too amazing for me to put any words to it all. But I will be talking about the characters a lot. And I will talk about the plot even though I won't spoil anything, and won't share too much about it :) Just enough. I'm hoping I will be able to write a good review. I'm still trying not to be heartbroken about it all :p

I'm still unsure which book in this trilogy is my favorite. I say Finnikin of the Rock, because Finnikin is my favorite character. But it also had the romance I was unsure about in the first book. And Froi of the Exiles had the most heartbreak. So killing. But also so perfect. Then there is Quintana of Charyn. Has perfect romance, lots of heartbreak, but also perfect ending. So it might be a tie between them all; with Finnikin a tiny bit ahead :) Now I'm going to talk about all the characters to you. Many of them. <3

Froi and Quintana. I love them both so much. Was worried about reading this book, because I didn't like Quintana in the second book. But then I started. And I couldn't have loved her more. She's amazing. Wasn't much from her point of view, and I actually wanted more from her. But we did get to see her a whole lot, and I loved that. She's fierce. And kind and loving and protective. And a bit crazy, but I loved her so much more because of that. And Froi. He's amazing. Second favorite character. He's so kind and strong and just generally perfect. But I also felt sorry for him a lot.. Sniffs. Still. He is perfect. Truly.

Finnikin and Isaboe. I adore them. Finnikin will always be my favorite character. Even though he isn't much in book two and three. But he did have a bigger part in Quintana; and I was so happy about that :) And while I still don't like Isaboe that much, I do adore her. Was pissed at her in the beginning; one of the first pages. Felt sorry for Finnikin. But I liked her even more later on. Then, of course, Melina had to go and break my heart. Biggest heartbreak ever. But I got it. I really did. Even though I hated it. Ugh. Anyway. Finnikin is perfect. So kind and loving. And Isaboe ain't that bad :) I adored their Jasmina.

Lucian and Phaedra. I loved Lucian. He's amazing. I felt so sorry for him at mostly all times. People weren't very nice to him about Phaedra.. I'm still unsure how I feel about her. Didn't like her much. She was very mean towards Lucian. In my opinion. But I also sort of liked her. And I did love her at the end. But still. I wish she hadn't been so insensitive towards Lucian. Still. They are one of my favorite couples in this book. They are just perfect. Also really enjoyed reading about Perri and Tesadora :)

Gargarin and Arjuro and Lirah. They aren't the main characters, but they are in this book a lot. And I do adore them. Well, I actually loved Arjuro the most. He's the kindest of them all. Even though I did like to have Froi with his mother and father. And gah. They are all so sweet together! Sniffs. Okay, yes, there are a lot of arguments. They don't really get along well. At first, that is. But oh, I adore them all :) Also. I very much liked De Lancey. He was a bit of a coward, but he stood up. I liked him. And his son ;p
"Because today, I think I'm leaning on the side of wonder." - Froi

There is a lot of other characters in this book. But these are the main ones. Those who made the most impression. Those I loved the most. And those I wish to see again; in a fourth book someday ;p Quintana of Charyn is an epic fantasy book. As is the first two books in this trilogy. It is the second best fantasy series I have read; with Graceling being on top. But The Lumatere Chronicles isn't that far behind ;) I would say that this series has more heartbreak. So much heartbreak. But both are amazing.

I'm not really sure what else to say about this book. Just that it is long. And I wish it was so much longer. Quintana of Charyn is a perfect book. Okay, maybe too much heartbreak. But it all made so much sense so I cannot really hate it. There is romance. So perfect romance. And many different couples. But no love triangles. Just so you know. Never love triangles. Thank god. There is many action scenes. With lots of death. Totally awesome. There is mysteries. It is all just so much love. Too much.

I must say that I am pleased about this series ending. There was a lot of heartbreak. A whole lot. Wish I could talk about it.. but I won't ;) Just know that it's awful. And perfect. And I cannot describe it well enough. The ending is good. At least to me. It's a real ending too. Meaning there will probably not be another book. But I wish. Oh, I wish. One thing I did not like. The separations. I hate it when couples separate for the sake of good or whatever. But I didn't hate it. Because I don't hate anything as much as I hate triangles. And none of those. So I dealt with it ;p And it ended good. Kind of ;)
I'm not sure what to do now that this series is over. I just want to much more. I want the same characters, though. But I would be happy with other characters in the same world. Maybe :) I must re-read these books soon. They will forever have a part of my heart. Always. And if you still have not read Finnikin of the Rock or Froi of the Exiles then I do not know what you are waiting for. Perfect books. And if you are unsure about reading Quintana; don't be! It's the perfect finale. Truly a must read.

Also. My favorite quote. It doesn't spoil anything. It's just happy. And Finnikin. And Isaboe. <3

‘So you’ll do anything I want?’ he asked, trapping Isaboe, a knee placed each side of her body. 
‘Can we play any game?’ ‘Which game were you thinking of?’ she said with a laugh.
He pretended to think deeply. ‘The one where you are a novice named Evanjalin.’
In the dark, he kissed the smile from her lips. ‘And you’re a farm boy named Finnikin?’ she asked.
‘No,’ he scoffed with arrogance. ‘I’m the King.’
‘Ah,’ she said. ‘That game.’

That was my review of this perfect book. I'm very happy to be a part of this amazing blog tour for Quintana of Charyn :D Also very glad to be sharing my review with you all. Very happy that I bought a copy of Quintana from Fishpond for just $20 ;p It was so worth the money. <3 You should also know that I'm now a huge fan of Melina. Adore her books. And she seems so amazing. Cannot wait to read her other books :) They do sound pretty good ;p I own Jellicoe Road. And now I'm sharing something even more awesome. An international giveaway of the Lumatere Chronicles. Trust me, you want it. I do :)
Check out the schedule for the rest of the tour over at 132 Minutes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
2. Entrants must be at least 13 years old to enter.
3. Hosts will not be responsible for lost or damage of goods while in shipment.
4. Winner will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to reply or another will be drawn.


  1. Thanks for the chance to win! I heard great things about this series !! =)

  2. I did not read any of the Melina Marchetta's books yet, but a friend recomended Finnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles #1) to me, so now I only need to buy it or borrow from library... :)

    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams

  3. Great review! I'm still not sure which book is my favorite in the series. Melina Marchetta makes it a tough choice. And I also wish there was another book. Not because the series didn't have a great ending, but because I miss these characters so much! I just didn't want it to end. :')

    1. Thank you :D Hih, yeah, me too. <3 There must be another one. I need more of this perfect world and these perfect characters. I do not approve of endings. lol :)

  4. Ooooo - I want to read this so badly!!! I can't wait for this book to come out!
    Thanks for having the giveaway!

  5. I guess Jellicoe Road is probably my favourite.

  6. Never heard of her before, the books look good though

  7. Yep and I really love her books!! On the Jellicoe road, The Piper's Son, Saving Franchesca, and Finnikin of the rock :D

  8. Never heard of her before. So now I just hope I win so I can read and see if it is good. (:


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