
Friday, November 23, 2012

Mini Review: The Queen's Army by Marissa Meyer

The Queen's Army is a prequel to Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. This is her second short story from the Lunar Chronicles world. And it was amazing. Truly amazing. I have missed Marissa's writing so much. It really is stunning :) This short story is so good. It's written really well, and while it isn't so long, it's also perfect. I wish it had been longer. Like a whole book. I seem to fall for all of Marissa's characters. Which is pretty good, to be honest ;) While this is short, and I wanted more, it is also enough. It's an amazing teaser, and it has made me more excited for Scarlet.

This prequel is about Z. Ze’ev. We get to know him a bit when he's twelve, and then more when he's seventeen. I loved both ages. He's a perfect character. Thinking he would be a perfect love interest too, lol :) But yeah. He's an amazing person. He's kind. And vulnerable. He was chosen to be a part of the Queen's Army at the age of twelve. He was chosen because he's strong and smart. It isn't a good thing to be chosen, though. Awful things happen to those in the Queen's Army. Those in the 'special' army is a bit luckier, but not by much, not really.

I won't spoil it. But if you know what Scarlet is about, you know what Z might be. Become. It's kind of awful, what they do to him in the hospital. It's heartbreaking too. And painful. But it's also kind of perfect. I do seem to love stories like this one. The painful heartbreaking ones. But it's also so good, even if it almost made me cry. There is some characters in this story. Mostly we get to know about Z, and I loved that. But we also meets his pack. Hated the Alpha. Hated his brother as well. Which was sad. Because he could have been an amazing person. But yeah. It made a lot of sense. Also, sad.

It is nice getting to know someone who lives at Luna. Even though we don't see much about Luna. But Z lives there; he's one of them. We learn a tiny bit more about the mind control, which is pretty awesome, and I very much want to know more about it. We get to see some officers in this story. They all seemed pretty awful though. But it's more about the plot, and I loved that. I loved this short story a whole lot. Loved the voice of Z. Loved getting to know how he "grew up." I enjoyed getting to know him a whole lot. And yeah. I just want more. I always want more when it comes to Marissa's words :)

I'm kind of hoping that Z is Wolf in Scarlet. I know it might not be so, but I can hope, right? ;) But even if he isn't, I still want to know more about him. Get to know what happens to him next. Even though I'm dreading it. Because the Queen's Army isn't a nice place to be in. It really isn't. But I also loved reading about it. And gah. I cannot wait to read more from Marissa! She truly is amazing. And I adore her writing. And her story telling. Her worlds are the most amazing. The Queen's Army is an amazing short story. And you really need to read it. If you have read Cinder, that is ;) Which you should read right now if you haven't yet. It is perfect. And you need it in your life. Also, the art is amazing.

If you end up searching for Marissa Meyer on my blog a lot of posts will show up. Because I love Cinder so much, and I adore Marissa. She's amazing. Here is my book recommendation for Cinder. I cannot wait to read all her books; but mostly excited for Scarlet at the moment :D Cannot wait to read it! Want it right away. I have no patience when it comes to books I want to read. Did you know that the book trailer for Scarlet is out? It is! And it's amazing. You can watch it here :)


  1. Never heard of the author or the book before, seems very interesting :) Thanks for your review:)

  2. Ahh awesome! I've been wondering about this as I'm looking forward to Scarlet and enjoyed Cinder. Z sounds like a great character and I'm looking forward to meeting him. Great review, Carina!

    Also, I love the trailer! :)

    1. Yay! Hope you'll read it soon ;) It is just so so good. And I do think you'll love it :D Z is awesome. Thank you sweetie. <3
      Yeah, the trailer is awesome :D

  3. I Looohoooooved Cinder and her other novella was a perfect addition to the story. I can't wait to read this one, because I need to read something from her again ^^ Her writing-style is addicting.


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