
Saturday, November 17, 2012

In My Mailbox #55

Hi! I have not read a lot this week. Not at all, really. Just re-read The Scorpio Races which I finished on Monay. And I'm kind of guessing that's why I don't want to read anything. Because I re-read all my favorite books. Graceling. Fire. Bitterblue. The Scorpio Races. And I'm afraid. Because I'm pretty sure no book will ever be better. And that might be why I'm not reading at the moment. Oh, well. Hopefully I will see a book soon that I will just want to read right away :) Anyway. I did get some stuff this week :D And ahh. I love it all. <3 It looks so perfect :) And heh. More Rise of the Guardians :D So awesome.
What did you get this week?

Rise of the Guardians. Lots of perfect books. <3 My Pop-Up book is AMAZING! I love it so much :)
The Hobbit. These two books are gorgeous. Sigh. Loves them :) Also bought my Hobbit tickets. <3
Twilight: Mad Magazine. Heh. This cover is awful :D So I wanted it. lol :) It does seem fun.
Tangled Ever After. My second copy. Can't blame me, though; because it is PERFECT! So gorgeous.
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. Bought this on sale, it does seem good, I hope :) I adore Wario. lol ;p
Harry Potter 4 Blu-ray collectors edition. Ohh. Favorite HP movie. Perfect collector edition :) Adore.

The Art of Hotel Transylvania. It is of course damaged. Damn it. But still. Gorgeous! So amazing.
Monsters Inc. I loved this movie so much. And I needed these new books. Hih. They are adorable :)
NausicaƤ. I have Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle in Comic Books. Now I needed these :D
Harry Potter Lego Book. Bought this one on sale ;) I love it, though. Pretty lego figure inside :)
Deity. A lot of people love this series. Haven't started it yet. But at least I own all the books :D lol.
Coraline. My second copy, since first one was damaged. But this one is more damaged. Damn it.
Red. Have the deluxe album; but I need the regular one as well :D Taylor Swift is amazing.
Reached. Well. I only read book one. Didn't love it. But now I know how it all ends :D Hih ;)
Renegade. Think I will start this one tonight or tomorrow. So pretty. Hope I'll love it a lot :)
Middle Ground. I have not yet read book one. But I have it. And I'm happy with ending. Reading soon :)
Black City. Damn it. I HATE that I know what happens in the sequel. Does not want to read this anymore. I wanted to so much, before. Sigh. Plus side. Got this gorgeous bookmark inside :D
EOS. Ohh. Pretty package. <3 I adore these. Favorite one ever is Sweet Mint, but these are great :)
The Hand of the King Pin. So so so much love. It's gorgeous. Sigh. Love Game of Thrones so much :)
Teto from NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind. Adore him! But also damaged :( Damn it. Sniffs.

I got one book via NetGalley this week. Greta and the Goblin King :D Hopefully reading it soon. Have also pre-ordered a paperback copy months ago :) It does seem pretty good ;p

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren


  1. oooh! You have reached already! Very jealous! All of the Rise of the Guardian stuff sounds awesome! Happy Reading!

    My Haul! Letterbox Love!

  2. I have the two Harry Potter lego games on the PS3 and I'm such a fan. They are hilarious. I think that we would be best friends in real life! We have so many things in common when it comes to books and movies :D

    Renegade sounds amazing! I keep hearing good things about it, so happy reading.


    1. :D I have the two Harry Potter lego games on the Wii :D lol ;D I adore Harry Potter. <3 Oh yes. I think so too :) Thank you. <3

  3. Goblet of Fire is your favourite HP film? It's mine too! :) Brilliant haul this week. I've read some pretty awful things about Black City from people I trust so I've sort of lost all interest in that book. I'm curious to see what you'll make of Renegade though. It's pretty good. :)

    1. It is, it is :D I adore it so much. <3 It have always been my favorite ;) Although.. I wasn't that old when it first came out, and I watched it all the time because of gorgeous Cedric Diggory (A) <3 lol :D That was before I knew who he was as well ;p Ahh. That sucks, about Black City :\ But yeah. I have read awful things about the sequel. So I know I won't ever read the sequel. But maybe I will read Black City. Sometime. Maybe. lol :)

  4. I still haven't read Crossed so I can't read Reached yet but I really want to grab myself a copy! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week.

    My IMM

  5. Oh My Goodness you have a great haul this week. Black City, Reached and Renegade all have awesome covers. These are all on my wishlist and I really need to start the Matched series. Please come by and check out My IMM

  6. I really hope you'll want to read more books soon again, because believe me there are still books out there that want to be added to your list of favorites (and that are worthy). You just have to find them. ;)

  7. I can easily steal your wall mailbox :p It's simply too good to be true and i love the variety of it :D Plus, HOBBIT <3

    Enjoy! :D
    My new books: Newbies


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