
Monday, October 29, 2012

Review: The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

This book broke me. It really did. I thought the first book; The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer was amazing. This one was even better. Wished the romance had been more, but it's also kind of better in this sequel. The plot at least is so much better. And I loved it in the first book. It is also just as confusing. But somehow I think I managed to understand it all. Even though it is a bit heartbreaking. And the ending. My god. The ending is bad. And cruel. And awful. And kind of perfect. It has made my dying for book three. Thank god there will be one. So much left that we need get to know :) Plus, I need more Noah.

I will do my best not to spoil the plot in this book. I will not spoil anything. At least, not anything that is important :) But it will be spoilery for the first book; The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. So if you still haven't read it, then don't read further, please. I will be spoiling this one thing, but then, if you have read the first chapter then you already know. And yeah, since it happens in the first chapter it doesn't really spoil much at all :) And I need to talk about it. I really really do. And you need to read it ;p

This book starts right where the first one ended; a day later. Mara has just seen that Jude is alive. And there. Then this book starts with her waking up at a psych unit. She's been committed there by her parents because she acted a bit crazy there at the police station after seeing Jude. They didn't believe her. Because they are pretty sure Jude is dead. Considering his hands were found after the accident. Mara is not happy with that. Neither am I. She doesn't stay there for long though; just a few days.

The story in these books are amazing. It truly is. It's unique and special. And mysterious. And it fucks with your mind. But in a good way. Once you have a chance to really think about it ;p I won't say much about the plot in this amazing book. But I will speak some of it. Most of this book takes place in a mental hospital. Well, many different ones, to be honest. They all broke my heart. More than anything. She isn't alone, though. Not really. There is Noah. And Jamie. And lots of other stuff.

I hated that Mara's mother was capable of that. Getting her daughter committed. Because she didn't believe her when she told the truth. Didn't believe her when she said Jude was alive. I hated her mother for that. I truly did. And people said they liked her more.. goddamn. I did not. At all. While I might be able to understand her a tiny bit at times, I still don't understand why she would not listen to Mara at all. Damn it. I can't stand it if she doesn't change early in the next book. She must. Please?

There is a lot of reasons for why Mara ends up at psych units. I won't name them. But god. It is so awful. My heart was pounding through the whole book. It still is. This book really did break me. It's just so heartbreaking. Goddamn it. But I also loved it. Very much. While I hated that Mara were at those places, I did like that Jamie was there as well. Had missed him. Plus, he's totally awesome. And Noah. Sigh. Noah need to be everywhere. I adore him. He changes a bit, but for the better, I think.

Noah Shaw is still my favorite character in this series. He's just perfect. Perfectly broken. He's still the sweetest and kindest and most loving. But he's also more real, in a way. And so broken. We get to know him a lot more. And I loved that. He's more vulnerable, and I loved that. But I did hate that Mara was too busy with herself and her trouble to notice that Noah suffers as well. Just as much as she does. Maybe. She should have seen that. Sniffs. I just love Noah so much. Loved getting to know him.

There is some hot make-out sessions in this book. They are perfect. Well, okay, there isn't that many. Were too little romance, to me. But there is still a lot of romance. And it's more real. And it's more perfect. And I loved it so much. Just wished it had been more, that Mara hadn't been so damn afraid of it. Maybe in book three. It must be in book three. Yes? Anyway. I loved that Noah was broken in this book. Made him more perfect. More loveable. But it also broke my heart so much more. *Sobs.*

I did like Mara in this book. I think. Some things annoyed me. Like, why did she not hate her mother? I would have. So much. But Mara's still a great character. She's kind and sweet. But she's also gullible, like Noah points out. That's a bit annoying. But still. I do like her a lot. I also love her brothers. Joseph and Daniel. They are awesome. Liked Daniel more in this book. But also wish she could have talked to him. Told him what was really happening. Told him about her and what happened.

Anyway. There is amazing characters in this book. There truly is. I actually loved getting to know some of the characters at the institution. Well, some I hated. But I did love a few of them :) Hated the goddamn doctor. She was so creepy. And cruel. Like when Noah and Mara broke into her office, and looked at her computer.. *shudders.* Makes me worried about the sequel. Very worried. But also excited. Then there is Jude. HATED him. Won't say more than that. Just, he's an asshole.

We get to know a bit more about Mara and Noah's powers in this book. Not much, but a bit. We also get to know that there is others that also have powers. I liked that a lot. Cannot wait to read more about that. Sigh. The story in this book was so perfect. And heartbreaking. So many awful things happen. A few good things. But mostly heartbreaking. I even cried in this book. Many times. There is a lot of mystery. And suspense. And scary parts. Amazing romance. Perfect plot. Perfect characters.

Truly, this book could not have been any better. (Okay, I would have liked more romance, but I'm pleased with it.) There is so many things happening in The Evolution of Mara Dyer. So many horrible things. So few good things. But it was all perfect. I didn't spoil anything, I hope, so I very much hope you'll read this book. I promise you will love it. It is a perfect sequel. So much amazing. I kind of suck at describing how much I loved this book. But still. You must read it. Right now! <3


  1. I have a soft spot for broken characters. They're just much more honest and easier to connect with and warm to at times. I can't wait to see what Noah is like in this. :) Awesome, awesome review! I was worried about this book but look forward to reading it again. Glad you loved it!

  2. im fangirling over your review ohmygod great review really awesome. tbh im kinda nervous/anxious for the third book huhh i wonder i hope i really think noah and mara deserve so much happiness after what they've been through all this time

    1. Hih, thank you :) Ack. Yesss. I'm dying for this book :D

    2. (Uhm, as in dying for book three ;p)


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