
Saturday, October 6, 2012

In My Mailbox #50

This is actually the first time in months that I have none Brave items in my mailbox. Must be because I now own it all. lol :D Still. I want more Brave things. <3 Will be getting a few dvd's/blu-ray's in November, though :D Even though I didn't get anything Brave, I still got lots of awesome. Quintana! Sigh. I cannot wait to read this book. <3 Just unsure if I will re-read the first two books before that. And Keeper of the Lost Cities! Starting that one right away :D Have waited months. <3 So much amazing :)
What did you get this week?

Game of Thrones This book is beyond amazing. So damn cool! And pretty. Gorgeous. Love it :)
The Diviners I loved this book so much! And this hardcover is huge and gorgeous and perfect! <3
Keeper of the Lost Cities Waited so long for this <3 Can't wait to read :) Adore Shannon. Perfect cover.
Quintana of Charyn Got via Fishpond :D Oh, how excited I am to read this book. <3 So perfect series.
Eve & Adam Got this via NetGalley ages ago, but haven't read it yet. So wanted a finished copy :)
The Spindlers Just read this book. It was so sweet and awesome :) Plus, cover is gorgeous.
The Raven Boys Had a few issues with the first copy I got, so got a new one <3 so pretty & so good.
Shadows UK - Shadows US Pretty paperbacks :D I loved this book. <3 Needed all editions (A)
Ashfall I did love this book when I read it last year. So I needed the new paperback cover ;)
The Name of the Star Didn't love this book, but wanted this pretty paperback :) Not reading the sequel.
Shatter Me Oh, how perfect this book was. And how sucky the sequel will be. Never reading it :( #upset
The Assassin's Curse This book does seem pretty awesome. Hoping I'll like it :D Pretty cover ;)
Dragonslayer's. Signed copy that I won from Splash of Our Worlds :D It does seem awesome ;)

Mortal Instruments 1-4 Paperback Box Set So, I'm obsessed with having all editions of books I love <3
New Moon Fan Edition - Was on sale on a Norwegian site, so I kind of wanted it :) Pretty cover. <3
Romeo and Juliet - This one was on sale as well :) And I needed it on blu-ray <3
Anastasia - Oh, how I love this movie. It's perfect. So glad it's finally on blu-ray :D
Taylor Swift DVD/CD - I love Taylor Swift. So I kind of really needed this one ;)
Spirited Away Figure. Perfect figure. So damn perfect. Got via Ebay :) Now I need the other ones from the other Studio Ghibli movies I love. <3 Sigh. They are just so perfect :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Great mailbox!! SO many awesome books :) :) And awwww, Mortal Instruments <3 <3 The sight of Jace's chest just made my day! HA! :D :D

    Enjoy all these cool books and stuff you've got Carina! ;) ;)

  2. So many books oh gosh! Why don't you make a bookshelf tour? I bet you have many *-*

    1. Hih, I will do it one day :) Just not yet; cause I don't have enough bookshelves at the moment, and I'm about to move in a few months, so will to it when my apartment is ready :D

  3. I think the best thing about this mailbox is the figure and the Anastasia movie! Haha!

    Really great books btw! I don't know if you got the Keeper of Lost Cities in hardback but how awesome is it? :D
    Really happy you got the Dragonslayer's book by the way :)

    1. Got it in hardback :D Didn't get an ARC :\ Sniffs. Hih :) Want all kinds of copies of it. <3 It's just so gorgeous :)
      Thank you <3 :)

  4. I read Eve & Adam and I really liked it, I can't wait for the second book to come out! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week!

    My IMM

  5. Wow, you received a lot of great books this week. Most are on my wishlist. I have Shadows and can't wait to read it.

    Please come and check out my IMM.

  6. Oh i love the Anastasia film! Keeper of the lost Cities looks so good! Happy Reading! I'm always jealous of your hauls!
    Check out my Haul! Letterbox Love!

  7. Loving the new cover for Shatter Me. It's beautiful. Happy reading and amazing haul, like always ;)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  8. I can't wait to read Keeper of the Lost Cities! I can't wait for it to come into the library. Happy reading :)

    Here's my IMM

  9. OMG OMG How much did you pay for the Spirited Away figurine? It's beautiful! Spirited Away is one of my favourite Studio Ghibli films. Whee!!

    The Diviners, Keeper of the Lost Cities, Melina Marchetta ANYTHING, The Spindler... great book haul. Hope you enjoy!

    See what books I got!

  10. Great week hun! You always have HUGE mailboxs, lol hope you enjoy it all!

  11. :( I feel the same way about Shatter Me's sequel. I just...can't. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the rest of your goodies, Carina. <3

    1. I know :( Gah. It is just so heartbreaking and sad. Thank you sweetie. <3 :)


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